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Does anyone know of any sites where I can promote the affiliate program for my game?

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5 comments, last by borngamer 21 years, 10 months ago
I''ve been searching for days now and have had no luck. Do a search on the word affiliate and you see the list of everyone else''s affiliate program. Does anyone here know of a good site to list your affiliate program? I think I can get a large list of affiliate''s if I can just get people to know my program is out there. I''m offering up to $20/sale for my game depending on the package ordered, which is so much better than the crappy 2 cents other sites give out. I also don''t have any money to pay to be listed on a site, so it would have to be something free. Any help would be really appreciated. I hate trying to sell my game on eBay because people expect the world for next to nothing, and I know I have a good product. I''ve even had people wanting me to post an auction for $1 so they can get it cheap. The bids start at $5 which is as low as I can stand to go. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. borngamer
You didnt include your URL. people reading this might think it sounds like a cool idea, but they cant check out your game, or your site from this post. I like the idea of affiliates, but I''m in the UK, so even if I sold 110 games for you and earned maybe $2, it will cost me more than $2 to convert it into pounds, so its not good to me, but I wish you luck.
I think more helpfull is just to find other pages that will link to yours, like I have a list of indie game attached to my site at


It would be cool if other indie games dveelopers had similar pages on their sites too.


I thought of the same thing when posting the original message, but I didn''t want to use the gamedev forums to spam my product. If anyone is interested in the program, my website is listed under my profile.

As far as the links go, I''ll have to look into it. I''ve signed up for the Links2You program which puts you in a directory where all members of the program have to refresh the directory on their homepage every month. I don''t know if anyone reads the links, but it''s supposed to improve your search engine rankings.


There''s nothing wrong with hawking your product as long as your post is relavent. That''s what sigs are for.

And yes, any site you put a link on will help your search engine rankings. The number of links going to your page is taken into consideration by some search engines (like Google) when deciding your ranking.

The best way to get a high ranking, however, is to have actual meaningful content.


IcarusIndie.com [ The Rabbit Hole | The Labyrinth | DevZone | Gang Wars | The Wall | Hosting | Dot Com | GameShot ]
That''s another thing I was curious about, the sig''s people use on gamedev.

I''ve noticed over the years some people having banners (the resist blah blah ones come to mind), and other''s just putting a text link to their site.

But where should it draw the line, and how commercialized do we want gamedev to get. I could easily put the following sig at the end of my posts, but I have held off because I just didn''t feel gamedev was the place to peddle my game.

What opinions do people have on this type of sig? Personally I think gamedev would become one huge ad if this was allowed. And don''t worry, I won''t be making the above my sig. I''d feel too much like a used car salesman.

Also, when replying please remember the original post. I really want to find somewhere I can get some good exposure to my affiliate program.


That''s tacky for use in a sig. I''m not sure what the owners would do about it if you used it but it''s not pretty to look at. Generally sigs are text only. They''re not obnoxious and don''t detract from the thread but if people are paying attention they''ll click on them.

As for a listing, I''m thinking they don''t exist. If they did, they''d be comming up easier on search engines. All I''m finding is listings for a certain affiliate.

You should see about getting listed with Commission Junction (www.cj.com). Sites that use them (like me) generally pick advertisers that mesh well with their site. You''re more likely to find people looking for your type of product and they''re more likely to be advertising to people that will be willing to continue the downline.


IcarusIndie.com [ The Rabbit Hole | The Labyrinth | DevZone | Gang Wars | The Wall | Hosting | Dot Com | GameShot ]
I was really close to going with commission junction until I found how much they charged. There was just no way I could afford to sign up with them.

If I knew for sure that I would generate enough affiliate sales with them I would go for it. But that''s a risk I can''t afford to take right now.

Thanks though,


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