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Java industry, web games, mobile... where are the distributors?

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16 comments, last by Telmo_Amaro 21 years, 9 months ago
Hi I''m developing Java based games and so far no one is interested, probably because I cant seem to get more visitors to my site. So, my best option would be find someone to distribute my own java webgames or mobile games, but cant find any site that does that... Anyone could give me some info on that?:| Telmo Amaro - codingdreams.xrs.net
- Telmo Amaro -
I recently visited Nokia''s website...and they have lots of mobile games. Why don''t you approach them? If they like your games then they will include it in their phones.

Harish Save
Harish Savewww. H A R I S H S A V E . COM
Yes, I guess implementing J2ME games in a certain mobile would be the best way to distribute them. However, I dout Nokia or any big company does even bother to reply an amateur game developer.
Anyway, what about J2SE games? Seen sucessful sites like jagex.com and I have no idea how they get their contacts:|

Telmo Amaro - codingdreams.xrs.net
- Telmo Amaro -
Part of the problem is that your trying to market your games as J2SE or J2ME games. To most people this is just gobbely gook. Java isn''t quite as well known as people in the java community think it is. You may have better successes if you market your games as "A web based action game" or "a cellphone game". If you''r looking get more people to your site check out a web promotional service like www.sharewarepromotions.com

J2SE games are aimed to websites related with online gaming, so the owners of those site perfectly know that if they want a section with web games they have to search for either Flash or J2SE games. They perfectly know what they are searching, so my problem is getting hits...
Anyway, paying for advertising is not a question, we all know online advertising doesn''t work. Who on earth clicks a banner these days? And if they do click, 99% of the times, their not even thinking in wasting their money, the fact is, everyone has a good idea that on the web they can get everything for free, so why pay?
So my only way is not get someone to increase my site''s hits in order to increase sellings (which are 0). My objective is to get my game in a big distributor, a center point where all interested people in buying legally this type of software go... and that''s my big problem.
Where can I find that heaven? Anyone knows any URL?

As for mobile phone games, I tried contacting national companies and mobile phone companies.
As always, no reply. The prob is, when they want a game for their mobile they go to gameloft.com . So the big question for me is, how this gameloft got the contacts? Their games are not as impressive as they should be, considering this is a big company we''re talking about.

Telmo Amaro - codingdreams.xrs.net
- Telmo Amaro -
quote: Original post by Telmo_Amaro
J2SE games are aimed to websites related with online gaming, so the owners of those site perfectly know that if they want a section with web games they have to search for either Flash or J2SE games. They perfectly know what they are searching, so my problem is getting hits...
Anyway, paying for advertising is not a question, we all know online advertising doesn''t work. Who on earth clicks a banner these days? And if they do click, 99% of the times, their not even thinking in wasting their money, the fact is, everyone has a good idea that on the web they can get everything for free, so why pay?
So my only way is not get someone to increase my site''s hits in order to increase sellings (which are 0). My objective is to get my game in a big distributor, a center point where all interested people in buying legally this type of software go... and that''s my big problem.
Where can I find that heaven? Anyone knows any URL?

As for mobile phone games, I tried contacting national companies and mobile phone companies.
As always, no reply. The prob is, when they want a game for their mobile they go to gameloft.com . So the big question for me is, how this gameloft got the contacts? Their games are not as impressive as they should be, considering this is a big company we''re talking about.

Telmo Amaro - codingdreams.xrs.net

I don''t mean to be a complete jerk or anything, but it seems strange to ask questions but then shoot down the responses people give you. As for the mobile phone companies, there is a problem with your logic. I work for Verizon Wireless and the BREW games we offer subscribers come from a fairly wide range of developers(Gameloft is only one.) Sure, you don''t develop BREW games, but the overall point is the same. You may want to get in touch with the people at JAMDAT as well. I had a chance to speak with a number of them at the most recent E3 event and they were an extremely nice group of guys.
Gregory MicekEditor-In-ChiefDIYGames.com
quote: Original post by Telmo_Amaro
J2SE games are aimed to websites related with online gaming, so the owners of those site perfectly know that if they want a section with web games they have to search for either Flash or J2SE games. They perfectly know what they are searching, so my problem is getting hits...

First, if you want to sell Java games to websites with online gaming, you CANNOT use J2. It''s sad, but because of the lawsuit between Sun and Microsoft, you cannot expect players to have anything newer than Java 1.1 -- that is what the browsers come with (and for an additional thrill, since early this year, no computer with Windows XP has come with a JVM installed at all!). Limiting your games to J1.1 can put a crimp in your style, but it''s what the vast majority of people have.

Second, getting noticed by the online web sites is difficult. The best thing you can do is to put several finished, professional-quality games on your own site, and then see if you can find an email address for developers. But if your game isn''t polished, don''t even bother. These companies are beseiged by small developers, and it just isn''t worth their time to look at anything that looks amateurish.

My objective is to get my game in a big distributor, a center point where all interested people in buying legally this type of software go... and that''s my big problem.
Where can I find that heaven? Anyone knows any URL?

If you were creating PC games (polished ones, again), I''d say check out Dexterity Software. They''re pretty well known around here, I gather, and they seem like a good shop. I don''t know that there is anyone distributing Java-based games like this (though I suppose there''s no reason you couldn''t turn your applet into a regular app, and sell it that way.

The bottom line is two main facts:

1) If you don''t have a fully playable, polished game, you won''t find anyone who''s interested in buying it.

2) Even if you do have this, you''re a small developer in a very competitive environment. That''s not to say you can''t make it, but it''s going to take a lot of dedication, and a bit of luck too.

Mike Sellers

Online Alchemy: Fire + Structure = Transformation
Mike SellersOnline Alchemy: Fire + Structure = Transformation
For the record shareware promotions does alot more then make you an add banner and sell it. They boost your search rating in search engines, they get your games reviewed if possible, and up your listings on download sites or linked to from sites in your industry. If you really looked at their page you would find that the offer a wide variety of services. Not only that they service some farily well known customers including our friends at dexterity software.

If I was at a point where it was time to market my game I would start with shareware promotions.

Also keep in mind who your customers are. Seeing as you can''t find anyone to distribute your game your customers are the people who are playing the game and those people are likely not going to be up to speed with J2ME or J2SE. Even if you did have a publisher you still wouldn''t want to market them as "java" games. Games should stand on their own merits, their gameplay and design is what should sell them not their platform. No matter how enamored I might be with C++, i''m not going to go market my game as an C++ game, no one would care and it certianly wouldn''t convince many people to try it.

besides of search engines, you could also put them in game related sites, like http://gamespotter.com and many others, and add links on the web where ever you can.
Not too long ago, i saw a very nice looking site with polished basic games but i was unable to play... because i was alone! It''s not only a pitty but a real problem.
First of all, thank you all for the help info.

I think the my applet games only use java 1.1 compatible code. But I haven''t really thought in testing that it with an older java version. Guess I''ll do that with a new game I have already in beta testing.

"seems strange to ask questions but then shoot down the responses people give you" - Gregory

Well, I didn''t meant to be unthankful, but I tried lots of publicity types before posting here, those were the ones people mentioned here.
JAMDAT takes graphics to the limits, something my games dont but
I''ll still give it a try. Thanks


I don''t think my games are good & polished, but I try always to program them in a way they have at least a standart to good quality (execpt so tests I make). Usually I try to compare them to commercial games of its type. J2ME games is a little easier since graphics don''t too many details to be smooth due to low mobile phone resolution.

Anyway, could you tell me dextery URL site, I didn''t know that software house and I''d sure like to give it a try.

Ironside: Changing my site meta tags. If I can get more players and guess I can get one interested buyer per 10.000 players

Telmo Amaro - codingdreams.xrs.net

- Telmo Amaro -

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