
The MATRIX Project Needs Programmers!

Started by August 23, 1999 09:21 PM
1 comment, last by FireStorm 25 years ago
Hello. I am a very good programmer in MSVC++. I also have some experience in game programming because currently i am working on a AI engine and game macro kernel. I like to hear more information about this project.
I am the head of a development team working on a Massive Online 3D World. We are i need of some skilled programmers to help with world engine and graphics programming. Experience with MSVC++, DirectX 6, 3D graphics programming and game engine programming prefered. Please e-mail or ICQ# 974277
to apply or for more details.

At the present this is a volunteer project but with the goals and attitude of a
commercial project. Hard work and dedication are still expected. If this project
does well then the profits will be shared by all who contribute.

Thanks in advance.

Brad Perich (Team Leader and Programmer) ICQ#974277

Currently I am working to develope a world engine much like the common first person shooter only on a massive scale with landscapes, outdoor scenes, indoor scenes, horrizons, etc. I have switched from DirectX to OpenGL. Eventually this world engine will be the foundation to a massive online virtual world for the mass enjoyment of others over the internet. It's a lot like the game Everquest only on a real world level and more entertainment than game.

If you're serious about joining my efforts or getting more info then please e-mail me at or ICQ me at ICQ#974277 so we can talk. Thanks.

Brad Perich

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