
Game company--who wants to help?

Started by September 09, 1999 09:06 PM
9 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 25 years ago
Dystopia seems to be cool.
I just wonder if you walk like in M&M6 or like in Dungeon Master or like in Riven.
I could sign up as an 2d Artist if you need one.

A 2D artist is exactly what we are looking for! You are welcome to join us! Mail me..

Hi Myopic I was not aware that you were starting a new company up! Could you post a little more info on what game you are wanting to work on?


3d Graphics/Physics engine coder

If you're still looking...
I'm an 'intermediate' VB programmer and have "hobbied" with creating tiles, 2D graphics and occasionally 3D.


Interesting. Well I am a C\C++ programmer and I am capable of programming anything. I am currently doing a masters degree in Software Engineering. I have in the past made 2d and 3d graphics engines and the odd window app.

Just to clarify things, I am not the one who made this post originally. I just moved it from the old forum. The person to contact is
If you need a good programmer, I am your man. I know Visual C++, Gnu C++, Watcom C++ pretty well. I am specialized in AI development and strategy design.
I'm an beginner-intermediate VB that would love to help in any way possible. I am currently making a computer game, but much more experience is needed for me. If you would allow me to help, then count me in!


i do some visual c++ programming primarily using directx. i also do 3d graphics... modelling and animation.

ICQ# 33345422

ICQ# 33345422
Post: Games, 6/30/99 11:41:54 PM

I will be starting a new game company soon. Who would like to help out? Programmers, artists, musicians, and SFXers are all needed.

Programmers should know at least one of the following languages: C, C++, or Assembly. HTML, Java, Javascript, or Visual Basic are a definite plus. Programmers of all levels are allowed.

Artists are expected to draw large and small sprites, and possibly 3-dimensional objects. Artists of all levels will be accepted.

Musicians and SFXers will have to produce at least medium-quality music and sound. Musicians and SFXers of intermediate level and up are accepted.

There will be project deadlines, so laziness will not be tolerated. Company members will be expected to act seriously. Everybody will be able to speak their opinion. Mail me with information about the knowledge you have. No cursing is allowed. If you curse, you will be ignored.

Mail me at:

Post: Zoulz, 7/12/99 4:40:31 PM


I am quite a seasoned VB programmer. Check out my Dystopia Site:

[This message has been edited by Myopic Rhino (edited August 02, 1999).]

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