
Want to open a new project

Started by October 10, 1999 10:51 AM
0 comments, last by 24 years, 11 months ago
i want to create a new shooting-game, as for example quake2. I know the bases for programming such a game, the whole Direct3d stuff etc, but i need people who could help me on the graphics-surface as well as people who want to assist me in programming(C). I don't want to have people who want to do a one time-job, i want to have people who want
to create such a game with me.
At the moment, i must confess there isn't much done, but i hope this will change, TEAM-member.
I hope you'll mail me under

I don't know how experienced you are, but it sounds like you may be setting your hopes too high. First Person Shooters take a lot of work and time, and expecting people to help for free is a bit of a stretch. And if you do pay them youll need to find somebody to publish the game -- and its nearly impossible to publish a first person shooter unless your a big name company anyway.

I'm not saying that your project is doomed to failure, but I think you need to be a little more realistic here. In any case, if i'm wrong here please tell me.


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