
Ready to learn

Started by October 13, 1999 02:42 PM
1 comment, last by Static Guard 24 years, 11 months ago
CHeck out the book
Windows Game Programming For Dummies

If you already know C/C++ then this but will
Show you what you need.

Job description : Duct Tape
I'm new to the magnific world of games programming. I have a lot (enough) knowledge
in C/C++, VB6 and SQL. I'm looking for someone that could show me the best way to learn games programming.

You can reach me on ICQ
or reply on this message board

BTW : Can someone show me a page with good tutorial in C/C++ for game desing.

Static Guard
Static Guard -
The best way to learn to program games is to practice and read books, lots of books! Just as Wild9eR had said, WGPFD is a great (2D) game programming book in C. But if you're looking for 3d, try searching in the book section.
Also some good sites you can try are:

*Some of these are engines, but you still may be able to learn from them.

later -
Nathan Strandberg
CEO, Dira Interactive

"Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more.."

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