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Refreshing the Forum FAQ

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27 comments, last by SiCrane 18 years, 5 months ago
Well, lets use this post as the place where we shall build (more like refresh) the Forum FAQ (for the Forums). Somethings that I think we should add to the FAQ as it stands: A comprehensive set of tags that are allowed in posts (HTML and custom). I also think that we should do more than just say: "Look at the TOS that you agreed to when you joined the boards for the rules" because, technically speaking, that's not exactly true. Each forum moderator tends to have their own set of guidelines, and the forums overall have a set of guidelines that the TOS doesn't cover. We should also cover PM abuse, general posting guidelines, and perhaps add a link for how to ask smart questions in there.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Quote: Original post by Washu
Well, lets use this post as the place where we shall build (more like refresh) the Forum FAQ (for the Forums).

Somethings that I think we should add to the FAQ as it stands: A comprehensive set of tags that are allowed in posts (HTML and custom).
Most forums have this info linked from the create/edit message page and I think it would be very useful to have the same on GameDev (rather than having it in the FAQ).

Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
A few things in no particular order:

1) A table of contents at the top listing each major section and linking to them would make it much easier for users to find out about something specific when looking through the FAQ.

2) It would be nice if the header of each section were an anchor, allowing linking to specific parts of the FAQ when appropriate. This would of course already be handled if a TOC were included.

3) The section entitled "How do I participate in the forums?" would probably be a good place to mention GDNet+ membership at least briefly. The small section on APs here should probably mention that html will be stripped from AP posts.

4) It might be good to make a mention somewhere of the individual forum FAQs. A lot of people don't read them at all, and I'm convinced that in spite of thier new prominence of the forum index a lot of people don't realise they exist.

Perhaps a direction to read the appropriate FAQ and any sticky threads when posting in any given forum could be appended to the 'tips'?

5) There's currently a section entitled "How do I put links/quotes/images/code/smileys in my posts?" It makes no mention of either links or images. This section is probably where the list of all supported tags/html would best fit, and while we're on the topic of images, perhaps we could also provide a link to ImageShack and/or other free image hosts, as people seem to ask about it on a regular basis.

6) There is no mention of suspension, which probably belongs in the section entitled "Why do some people have colored text next to their names?". There is also no mention of the warning system, although it seems to be fairly self explanatory.

7) The FAQ makes no mention of the rating system. A brief explanation would probably be good (along with a warning not to complain about it?).

8) Some mention could be made of the flagging system (a.k.a. "report this post to a moderator"). Some people don't seem to be aware of it, and it might help to actually give people some direction on how it should be used.

- Jason Astle-Adams

A few specific rules that need to be added:

1) Creating a new account to evade a suspension or a ban will result in both the new and old account being permanently banned.

2) If you feel that you have been unfairly treated by a moderator, you should contact the moderator in question, another moderator you are comfortable with, or a member of the staff in private to resolve the issue. Posting a thread to criticize the moderator is not constructive and may result in a reduction of account privileges.

3) The moderator of each forum is ultimately responsible for determining what is and isn't appropriate material for that forum.

4) No user is permitted to have more than one account. If, for some reason, you feel the need to create a new account, contact a member of the staff to discuss doing so beforehand.
Quote: Original post by Obscure
Quote: Original post by Washu
Well, lets use this post as the place where we shall build (more like refresh) the Forum FAQ (for the Forums).

Somethings that I think we should add to the FAQ as it stands: A comprehensive set of tags that are allowed in posts (HTML and custom).
Most forums have this info linked from the create/edit message page and I think it would be very useful to have the same on GameDev (rather than having it in the FAQ).

It would probably make sense to have it in both places.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

From the source code the HTML tags we allow seem to be:

Exact matches:

  • blockquote
  • big
  • center
  • div
  • strike
  • em
  • br
  • b
  • i
  • hr
  • h[1-9]
  • li
  • ol
  • p
  • strong
  • sub
  • sup
  • ul
  • u
  • pre
  • tt
  • small

Tags with parameters:

  • a
  • font
  • img
  • plaintext
  • ul
  • hr

Custom forum tags:

  • code
  • source
  • b
  • i
  • quote
  • faq
  • gdfaq

Someone else might want to do a sanity check on this though.

[Edited by - SiCrane on September 6, 2005 11:55:49 AM]
Here goes at my first attempt at creating a section of the FAQ dedicated to the rating system.

Quote: What are these rating numbers under users' posts?
The rating system was implemented recently in a new revision of the site software. Its purpose is threefold:

1. To serve as a method of isolating problem users by the community's ratings of troublesome/disruptive posters,
2. To give users an idea of their "position" in the GDNet community and what others think of them, and
3. To allow users to ignore other users below a certain rating threshhold.

This does NOT affect site privileges or anything else; it is intended solely for the above purposes. Threads complaining about small changes in your rating will often be ignored or closed (after the community has had its turn denting your rating further) and are generally frowned upon by the staff.

Ratings will often oscillate when you make more frequent posts, but eventually they will settle upon a general value which the community holds you at.

How can I find out how other users rated me?
In your Control Panel you can access the Personal Rating section and see the users who have rated you positively. Users who have rated you negatively are hidden to prevent revenge ratings.

Moderators and staff will not tell you who rated you down for this same reason; don't ask.

There should probably be another paragraph in here about not rating people down for their opinions, but I can't figure out how to write one up and not have it sound preachy or boring.

Someone who is a little bit closer to the system could explain the rules about rating someone twice, etc and how different ratings affect different users.
Original post by Ravuya
Quote: What are these rating numbers under users' posts?
The rating system was implemented recently in a new revision of the site software. Its purpose is threefold:

1. To serve as a method of isolating problem users by the community's ratings of troublesome/disruptive posters,
2. To give users an idea of their "position" in the GDNet community and what others think of them, and
3. To allow users to ignore other users below a certain rating threshhold.

Your rating does not affect your site privileges; it is intended solely for the above purposes. You're free to ignore them if you want.

How can I find out how other users rated me?
In your Control Panel you can access the Personal Rating section and see the users who have rated you positively. Users who have rated you negatively are hidden to prevent revenge ratings.

Moderators and staff will not tell you who rated you down for this same reason; don't ask.

My rating just dropped a point! Why?
Don't worry about small changes in rating. Gamedev has a very diverse audience with from many different walks of life; this includes people who may take offense at something the majority of people consider to be completely harmless. Don't sweat the small stuff; if one guy can rate you down a point, another guy can rate you back up.

I rated someone, but I changed my mind about them. Can I give them a new rating?
You sure can - just hit the 'Rate this user' link again. Your old rating will be repealed first, as if you'd never made it.

Bah! This is just a method of repressing people with unpopular views!
It's a form of community self-moderation, yes. But it's still very possible to express an unpopular opinion - if you remain polite and calm as you do so, people generally won't rate you down. Sure, there's always a few who will use the rating system as a way to express their disagreement with your viewpoint, but there's an equal if not greater number of people who will actually rate you up for having both the guts to speak out and the intelligence to do it well.

Why do some people seem to be able to affect my rating more than others?
The higher your rating, the more effect you can have on other users. The basic principle is that if you've got a high rating you must be helpful or trustworthy, so we allow your opinion to carry more weight. This is also the reason that all the staff and mods have such high ratings - they were given high values at the very beginning so that they could 'seed' the system, rating up the people they knew to be most helpful and trustworthy in an effort to get things rolling.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

How do I change my user name?
In order to change your user name, e-mail or PM a staff member. If you are a member in good standing they will change your name for you. Please do not try to open a new account to change your name.

Why can't I reply to this thread?
This thread may be retired, which means it has had no new posts in a while. In order to post to a retired thread you need to get a moderator or staff member to wake it up.

[insert question/answer about getting RSS links to the individual forums]

Horrible hack job of putting most of the suggestions so far here. Fold, spindle and mutilate at will.

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