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40 comments, last by Washu 14 years, 10 months ago
Well it is only two years late, but here are the fruits of my labor on Project 1 of the C# workshop. It adheres very closely to the specifications defined in JWalsh's description concerning numbering of walls, rooms and sets. I tried to stick as close as possible to what has been learned already only, however some additional C# goodies have been used such as the List<> generic and properties.

I tried to comment the code as much as possible, not only for someone else's benefit reading the code but also for my own. It took me two days to complete this project(if I take away the fiance factor it may have taken me one [grin]). Most of my time was spent in the initial design phase and then the debug/run/debug etc. phase after implementation. Very little time was actually spent writing the framework to C# code. Of course as I did the code construction I would notice ways I could improve upon the design which I would implement immediately.

If anyone does happen to take the time to analyze my code and sees better ways of doing something or would like to provide some insight into doing something different but not necessarily better, please give me the criticism! [smile]


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Perfect_Maze_Generator{    struct MazeAttributes    {        public int columns, rows, totalWalls;        public Wall[] walls;    }    class Wall    {        private bool isUp;        private Room[] connectingRooms;        int num;        public Wall(int num)        {            this.num = num;            isUp = true;            connectingRooms = new Room[2];        }        // get the wall's assigned number        public int Num        {            get { return num; }        }        // two properties that retrive the first and second room being seperated by the wall        public Room FirstRoom        {            get { return connectingRooms[0]; }        }        public Room SecondRoom        {            get { return connectingRooms[1]; }        }                public bool IsUp        {            get { return isUp; }        }        // join two rooms together by this wall        public void Join(Room room1, Room room2)        {            connectingRooms[0] = room1;            connectingRooms[1] = room2;        }        // knock the wall down!        public void Knockdown()        {            isUp = false;            SecondRoom.AddToSet(FirstRoom.Set);        }        public override string ToString()        {            return String.Format("{0}", num);        }    }    class Room    {        int num;        List<Room> itsSet;        public Room(int num)        {            this.num = num;        }        public void AddToSet(List<Room> set)        {            // determine if we are initializing or have already been initialized            if (itsSet != null)            {                // if we aren't initializing, move all rooms from the set this room is in to the                // newly specified set passed in to the function                // first take care of rooms other than this one                foreach (Room r in itsSet)                {                    if (r != this)                    {                        r.Set = set;                        set.Add(r);                    }                }                // and then take care of this room                foreach (Room r in set)                    itsSet.Remove(r);                itsSet.Remove(this);                itsSet = set;                set.Add(this);            }            // otherwise, we are just initializing to a default set            else            {                itsSet = set;                set.Add(this);            }        }        public List<Room> Set        {            get { return itsSet; }            set { itsSet = value; }        }        public override string ToString()        {            return String.Format("{0}", num);        }    }    class PerfectMaze    {        Wall[] walls;        Room[] rooms;        List<Room>[] sets;        int numOfRooms, verticalWalls, horizontalWalls, totalWalls;        int columns, rows;        public PerfectMaze(int columns, int rows)        {            this.columns = columns;            this.rows = rows;            numOfRooms = CalculateRooms();            totalWalls = CalculateWalls();            // allocate memory for walls            walls = new Wall[totalWalls];            for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++)            {                walls = new Wall(i);            }            // allocate memory for rooms            rooms = new Room[numOfRooms];            for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; i++)            {                rooms = new Room(i);            }            // allocate memory for sets            sets = new List<Room>[numOfRooms];            for (int i = 0; i < sets.Length; i++)                sets = new List<Room>();            // add each room to it's own default set            for (int i = 0; i < numOfRooms; i++)            {                rooms.AddToSet(sets);            }            // finally, assign each wall two rooms that it seperates            AssignWalls();            GenerateMaze();        }        // assigns two rooms to each individual wall that it seperates        private void AssignWalls()        {            // assign vertical walls with the following formula:            // room is the current room to the left of the wall            // wall is the /vertical/ wall being assigned            // colCount is the column to the left of the wall being examined, this allows us to determine            // if the wall is a vertical wall or horizontal            for (int room = 0, wall = 0, colCount = 1; wall < totalWalls; room++, colCount++)            {                // if the columnCount is equal to the total amount of columns in the maze,                // this means we have hit the last vertical wall for that row                if (colCount == columns)                 {                    colCount = 0; //colCount is reset to 0 and will be set to 1 beginning at the next iteration                    wall += columns; // we must cycle through all the horizontal walls until we reach another                                    // vertical wall, there are as many horizontal walls as there are columns                    continue;                }                // assign the wall's connectingRooms with the room to the                // immediate left(room) and the right(room+1)                walls[wall].Join(rooms[room], rooms[room + 1]);                // always remember to increment wall to look at the next one, we have to do this here instead                // of in the for loop initialization because of the colCount skipping walls                wall++;            }            // assign horizontal walls, somewhat of a reverse of assigning verticals            for (int room = 0, wall = columns-1, colCount = 1; wall < totalWalls; room++, colCount++)            {                if (colCount == columns+1)                {                    colCount = 0;                    wall += columns - 1;                    room--; // because room will be increased upon the next iteration, we need to ensure                            // that it remains the room on top of the wall being examined                    continue;                }                walls[wall].Join(rooms[room], rooms[room + columns]);                wall++;            }        }        // get the attributes of the maze for drawing classes and the like        public MazeAttributes GetAttributes()        {            MazeAttributes attributes = new MazeAttributes();            attributes.columns = columns;            attributes.rows = rows;            attributes.totalWalls = totalWalls;            attributes.walls = walls;            return attributes;        }        int CalculateRooms()        {            return columns * rows;        }        int CalculateWalls()        {            verticalWalls = (columns - 1) * rows;            horizontalWalls = (rows - 1) * columns;            return horizontalWalls + verticalWalls;        }        // randomly permutate the walls and knock them down creating exactly one        // and only one path to any point in the maze        void GenerateMaze()        {            // randomly permutate walls... probably not the best way of doing it            // but it is all I could think of            List<Wall> permutatedList = new List<Wall>();            Random rand = new Random();            while (permutatedList.Count < walls.Length )            {                int i = rand.Next(walls.Length);                if (permutatedList.Contains(walls))                    continue;                else                    permutatedList.Add(walls);            }            foreach (Wall wall in permutatedList)            {                // if the seperated rooms are in the same set, that means they are connected somewhere somehow                // so we must disregard this wall                if (wall.FirstRoom.Set == wall.SecondRoom.Set)                    continue;                // otherwise, they do not yet have a path between them, so we knock the wall down and                // then add the second room to the first room's set                else                {                    wall.Knockdown();                    // the wall takes care of adding the second room to the first room's set                }            }        }    }}

Maze Drawer.cs
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Perfect_Maze_Generator{    // Originally the code for drawing the maze was contained in the maze generation    // class itself... however the maze shouldn't be responsible for drawing itself in    // my opinion. This is the result of that refactor, a class soley responsible for drawing    // the maze.    class MazeDrawer    {        Wall[] walls;        int columns, totalWalls, rows;        public MazeDrawer(PerfectMaze maze)        {            MazeAttributes attr = maze.GetAttributes();            walls = attr.walls;            columns = attr.columns;            totalWalls = attr.totalWalls;            rows = attr.rows;        }        public void Draw()        {            Console.WriteLine(" {0}", new String('_', columns + (columns - 1))); // draw top border            // invariant: r = row we are drawing, vwall is always a vertical wall in that row,            // hwall is always a "floor" wall in that row            for (int r = 0, vwall = 0, hwall = columns - 1; r < rows; r++)            {                Console.Write('|'); // draw leftmost border                //invariant: c is a valid textual column                for (int c = 0; c < columns + (columns - 1); c++)                {                    // to determine if we are looking at a floor wall or a vertical wall, we simply                    // determine if the column being looked at is even or not.                    // all horizontal walls will be an even number, and all verticles will be odd!                    if (c % 2 == 0)                    {                        // if the horizontal wall we are keeping track of is                        // greater than the total number of walls, it must be a floor                        // permimeter wall that we are supposd to draw                        if (hwall >= totalWalls)                            Console.Write('_');                        // otherwise if it is up, we draw it                        else if (walls[hwall].IsUp)                            Console.Write('_');                        // and if not, we draw a space                        else                            Console.Write(' ');                        hwall++;                    }                    else                    {                        // if the vwall is up, we draw a |                        if (walls[vwall].IsUp)                            Console.Write('|');                        // and if not, we draw a floor                        else                            Console.Write('_');                        vwall++;                    }                }                Console.WriteLine('|'); // draw the right-most border and drop a line                // since we are dropping a wall, we must increase our counts accordingly to keep                // our invariant for the loop true                hwall += columns - 1;                vwall += columns;            }        }    }}

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Perfect_Maze_Generator{    class Program    {        static int GetNumber(string prompt)        {            Console.Write("{0}: ", prompt);            int num = 0;            if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out num))                num = -1;            return num;        }        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the C# Random Maze Generator!");            Console.Title = "Welcome to the C# Random Maze Generator!";            int rows = 0, columns = 0;            bool quit = false;            Console.SetWindowSize(150, 58);            while (!quit)            {                while ((rows = GetNumber("Enter the number of rows (2-50)")) < 2 || rows > 50)                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that is an invalid number.  Please try a number between 2 and 50.");                while ((columns = GetNumber("Enter the number of columns (2-50)")) < 2 || columns > 50)                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that is an invalid number.  Please try a number between 2 and 50.");                PerfectMaze maze = new PerfectMaze(columns, rows);                MazeDrawer mazeDrawer = new MazeDrawer(maze);                if (rows > Console.BufferHeight && columns > Console.BufferWidth)                    Console.SetBufferSize(columns, rows);                mazeDrawer.Draw();                Console.Write("Would you like to generate another maze? ([y]es|[n]o): ");                bool endLoop = false;                while (!endLoop)                {                    string input = Console.ReadLine();                    switch (input)                    {                        case "y":                        case "yes":                            Console.WriteLine("Ok!");                            endLoop = true;                            break;                        case "n":                        case "no":                            Console.WriteLine("Goodbye!");                            quit = true;                            endLoop = true;                            break;                        default:                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!");                            Console.Write("Would you like to generate another maze? ([y]es|[n]o): ");                            break;                    }                }            }        }    }}

Quote: Original post by dmreichard
Well it is only two years late, but here are the fruits of my labor on Project 1 of the C# workshop. It adheres very closely to the specifications defined in JWalsh's description concerning numbering of walls, rooms and sets. I tried to stick as close as possible to what has been learned already only, however some additional C# goodies have been used such as the List<> generic and properties.

It's never too late, the workshop is here for people to study and learn from, not just for onetime usage in the past.

Quote: I tried to comment the code as much as possible, not only for someone else's benefit reading the code but also for my own. It took me two days to complete this project(if I take away the fiance factor it may have taken me one [grin]). Most of my time was spent in the initial design phase and then the debug/run/debug etc. phase after implementation. Very little time was actually spent writing the framework to C# code. Of course as I did the code construction I would notice ways I could improve upon the design which I would implement immediately.

Comments are good, but only if they are useful, a few examples from your code to illustrate my point:
// allocate memory for wallswalls = new Wall[totalWalls];for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++){    walls = new Wall(i);}

The comment above is useless, it does not add any new information to the code that we couldn't already obtain through a trivial examination of the code. In other words: by simply examining the loop trivially, we can see that it allocates the walls and an array to hold them in.

On the other hand:
room--; // because room will be increased upon the next iteration, we need to ensure        // that it remains the room on top of the wall being examined

This is good usage of comments, it explains the purpose BEHIND the code, not what the code does. We don't care so much about room--; as we do WHY we're doing room--;

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

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