
'Quake-like' console article--done

Started by August 07, 1999 12:16 AM
2 comments, last by prauppl 25 years, 1 month ago
You may want to either create your own font file, or if you really don't want to email id and see what they think or find one for a mod out there. It does get a bit tedious to create one, trust me it can.

Thanks for your help. I will try to e-mail them first. And see what they say...

- prauppl

- prauppl

I wrote an article--Creating your own 'Quake-like' console. Now, I dont get this deleted my last question a few weeks ago on the following:

This might be a *dumb question*, but, I dont want to get a letter saying 'id' wants to see me in court. So, here goes: Can I use the Quake2's CONCHARS.PCX from the PAK01.PAK un-changed (except a format conversion from PCX --> BMP)? I dont think they will have any problem since it *is* educational purpose, and free. Someone please get me cleared on that.

So, if anyone gets me cleared on that, I will send it to for them so that they can post it if they want to.

Thanks, :-)

Oh yeah. All Rights Reserved.

- prauppl

- prauppl
Just to let you know, it's very possible that your post got deleted with all the server crap that was going on. Several days of posts got deleted actually, so it wouldn't surprise me if yours would be included.


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