
game statistics

Started by September 30, 1999 04:07 PM
0 comments, last by 24 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone

I have been searching the net for information
on game industry statistics. I have found
little or no info at all on this specific subject. Coming here finally and posting this message will end my search. I have found alot of info on gaming here, but still no finacial or statistical information. If you can help me out I would appreciate it.
I'm looking to secure venture capital for a startup developement company and need statistical information on the industry.
Thanks for reading this.
Sincerely Will Robinson

Gamasutra (, I think) has a recurring column called 'post-mortem' that discusses a particular game's development. Many of them give budget, time and staff.

For company information, you might want to try the SEC's site (, which has the EDGAR online database that shows corporation's SEC filings. the 10-K is a yearly report that shows any financial stats you could want. The only trouble is that you don't need to file if you're under something like $10 million a year or 500 shareholders, so most of the companies there are the big boys (Activision, EA, GT Interactive) and not many smaller companies, but it's a start.

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