
Robot Fighting Game

Started by October 14, 2010 12:13 AM
7 comments, last by HAZE-KORE-STUDIOS 12 years, 9 months ago
Team name:
Cybernetic Studios

Project name:
Cybernetic Warfare

Brief description:
Cybernetic Warfare is a Fighting game set in the distant future. All fighters are robots that were previously designed to be soldiers sold to countries/worlds that were at war. A batch of these robots were programmed incorrectly, and as a result, they were considered scrap. The robots however manage to survive, and upon learning they were to be destroyed, defend themselves from the humans. After removing all human life from the planet, they turn on each other.

The story mode will detail from when the robots are made, to "present day" were the batch of robots are at war with one another. In order to get the project off the ground, I don't want the story mode to be included at first. Once the main part of the game is up and running (the fighting part), then the story mode could be worked on.

The game currently only has images as inspiration for the games art, music I recorded for in game, and around 80 notepad documents detailing things such as game mechanics, game modes, all 15 character bios and arcade endings, descriptions of some fmvs, descriptions of a couple of character specific fighting moves, and chapter ideas for detailing the story.

The game will feature typical arcade style fighting, and eventually, the story mode. Features include hand to hand fighting, weapon fighting, and character unique attacks.

Target aim:
The dream is for retail on PS3/360/PC. However, the game is no where near that as people who wanted to be involved dropped out about a year ago. There is no team yet, just myself and I would like to get the game on Xbox Live and if possible, PSN, though I don't know how easy either of those targets will be.

Because I am unemployed, payment would be difficult, however, I am aiming to save as much money as possible so as to pay people who work on the game, even if it is not that much. Naturally, credit will be given on any part of the game you work on. It would be a good start for people wanting to build a portfolio, and any money made on the game would be split between everyone who worked on it. Of course, compensation can be discussed and negotiated if you are interested in working on the game.

I have recently found a website that helps to fund UK game developers from £0.5 - £3m. They will only consider a game however if the developers are either contracted to a publisher to release it, or are negotiating with a publisher (they will help with negotiations as well). So if people are willing to work on this for a couple of months or so for free, we may have a real shot at getting decent funding, and skipping the indie market on Live and going straight to retail. Feel free to tell me I'm way ahead of myself.

Target system: PS3/360/PC
Programming language and/or tools: From my understanding, Mortal Kombat was made on Unreal Engine 3, so it seems plausible to use UDK, however I am no programmer so feel free to suggest others. (In an ideal world I would be suggesting CryEngine 3).
Artist tools: 3DS MAX is obviously the top choice but I understand Blender is an open source tool if this is suitable.
Sound tools: I am currently working on music and I am able to create high quality sounding recordings. However sound effects are where I lack.

Talent needed:
Concept Artist (I have images for inspiration and can describe what I want, but of course you would not be limited by my descriptions or the reference images)
3D Modeller for characters and arenas (If there are any 3D Modellers out there who can do concept art, or draw models without the need for concept art, ^^ the same applies)
Texture Artists
Sound FX Designers

Team structure:
No one is currently on the team, however I am working on Music, Game Mechanics, Game Modes, and Story.

This is where any updates will be posted. I am currently asking friends to ask friends etc so if anyone is on board, it will be made known here.


Previous Work by Team:
This is the first game I am working on, however I am putting a lot of effort into it (about 2 years now). Of course if it's a case of 'that sucks and will never happen', then fair enough.

My previous experience involves being self taught on guitar and drums, playing for 8 and 7 years respectively, 2 years of music at school (A*) and 2 years of
music at college (A*), playing in a couple of local bands, and composing my own music for at least 6 years.

As you can tell, I am a musician, however, games is where I want to be at, and my experience with music I think will help that, setting the mood etc.

Additional Info:
If I have missed anything out, please feel free to ask any questions. If you are interested in hearing some of the music, or wanting to see the inspiration images etc, just ask and I'll send them straight to you. I've had a few people say I shouldn't give up on this, so here I am again trying to get it off the ground.

How about starting off with a smaller goal? People will be more attracted if you remove things that you can't do and replace it with what you CAN do.


1. PS3 development requires an expensive license. Solution? XNA is free/cheap and you can create an XBL game with it. This will allow you to develop your game on at least one platform. With something tangible, you will be able to secure funding and port to PS3 in the future.

2. Have you considered Kickstarter or IndieGogo for funding? There are a lot of ways to raise money without a job or "official" funding. You just have to be innovative and determined.

3. Instead of saying "I cant pay you", why not state what you can give them? Obviously you'll credit them, but you can also come up with other forms of compensation**.

Your project looks awesome and I think people would like to volunteer to help you out. Just re-word some things to help sell yourself. Good luck!

**While we're in different situations, you may like to use this as a catalyst for ideas on how to compensate your unpaid positions. I own a small software business where we develop video games and money is tight until we release our first product. I offer volunteer and unpaid internship positions. In return, we work with their colleges to help them gain college credit or internship credit to be applied towards a college grant (some technology grants for students require proof of an internship). We also write letters of recommendation. I'm sure you can come up with your own way to compensate your volunteers :)
The idea reminds me of Cosmic Carnage for Sega 32X .Except there they were prisoners and escaping the planet.
I'd like to contribute with the programming. I have experience in XNA with C# ( Xbox 360 and windows ) ,also in DirectX 10/11 . Have my own 3d game engine, proprietary model format, exporter from 3ds max , etc.
My motivation is that it could be used as a portfolio and be fun.
Well of course you'll have to be serious about the project and there is a need for a 3d artist and texturer.

Here is a video of a game of mine from 2 years ago ( my pc is slow for video capture so i rarely make videos ):

Looking forward to gamedev with you :)

Just updated my original post. Thanks for the feedback Hardcharger, XNA definitely sounds like a good way to start off. I had completely forgotten about it if im honest so thank you.

Winterhell, if you are onboard I will update the post and add you to the team. I got a private message about possible sound design as well. All we need is a 3d artist and texturer like you said. Sounds like it could come together quicker than I expected. =)

I have some experience with XNA / C# so if you want anyone else to help with some programming I can lend a hand. Here is a demo of a game I helped on in XNA -


"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."

Does anyone have any experience with They offer quite a lot of money for funding game development but I'd like to know if anyone has dealt with them.

They are UK only and on the application form say you have to be negotiating with a publisher before they will consider you. Funding is anywhere from £0.5 - £3m so if a team could pull together working for free for now, maybe we could get one of their fundings later on? Or am I thinking about this all wrong?
3d modellers are of top priority right now in order to get a demo going. If you require compensating, I can not offer a lot, but this can be discussed if you are interested. This project is not planned to have much of a budget at all. If you are interested, please contact me and I will provide you with the concept art.
Updated the first post. I know it is an old thread, but I thought better to revive this than start a new thread about the same thing. Everyone previously involved on the project has dropped out so looking to start fresh, hope to hear from you guys soon.
Id love to do some SFX work for this project. I have experience with FMOD and UDK, as well as Protools. I can also make original compositions for games, check out my DJ website

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