
Air Hockey

Started by August 03, 1999 08:42 PM
5 comments, last by khawk 25 years, 1 month ago
I have to agree, though Ive never been able to score on the computer. Itd be a bit more fun if you could score.


Hey cool, I'm glad you guys like it!

(BTW, it IS possible to score on the computer.. Direct shots are almost guaranteed to miss, but quick angle shots to altering sides work quite well.)

-- Pin

It would make it easier if you wouldnt reset him all the way to the center every time.

Maybe make him move most of the way back from a block, but not go there exactly.

IMO you should be able to score on him from a front attack if you can get it through right after a side block, as of now thats impossible. :{

Still, great game! You could probably take it commercial by supplying an interface and personalities who you played against (with different styles, etc). There was a game like that with a space theme many years ago, fun stuff.


I tried keeping making the opponent stay wherever it last hit the puck, but it gets quite a bit too easy at that point. I suppose I could make it have to slow down after hitting the puck, making it take longer to get back to blocking.

I think if I were going to take it commercial though, the biggest thing to add would be network play. (Although how on earth I'd deal with lag on a high-speed game like this, I have no idea...)

Here's a question for you though: What do you think about the lack of a scoring system? I've considered adding one, but I think it might lose some of the addiction-factor. (i.e. splitting it up into 7-point games would provide good breaking points, making players more likely to quit..) Although I guess if I did add multi-player (somehow), it'd sort of have to have a scoring system..

you should definitly add some scoring system. And it's way to fast on my machine, I can barely see the some adjustable speed (could also be used for difficulty) would be great.


That game/demo kicks ASS. Seriously, that thing is fun. :-)

Keep it going Pin.


Admin for

Yeah, proper time slicing is another thing I need to add. It's currently locked to the screen frame rate... (Cheap, I know, but I really wasn't ever planning on this becoming more than a way of getting some collision routines working...)

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