
(WANTED) Pixel Artists, Animators for 2D Platform Game (looking for talent to join team)

Started by December 06, 2010 11:30 AM
10 comments, last by ukozo 12 years, 8 months ago

LGCK Builder


Brief Description

A free all-in-one game construction kit targeted to be both powerful yet simple to use. Provide an easy way to allow users to create just about any kind of games. We have selected a scripting language to expose engine functionality and allow users to extend the construction kit as needed. LGCK strives to be a compromise between fast execution and ease of use.

Target Aim

We're looking for people who want to help us create a demo game to promote the construction kit. The theme we selected is Halloween -- and our time table is three months. The game will have three sections, each with different artwork and sounds.



This is a volunteer project. The scoop and length of the development process will provide active participants with valuable experience. References will be given upon demand.


- Windows (XP, Vista, 7)
- Linux (tested on KDE)
- Mac (tba)

- C++ for the engine
- lua for in-game scripting

Talent needed

- testers (URGENTLY)
- additional C++ coders for the engine
- script writers for enhanced game functionality
- artists (graphics, animation) URGENT !!!!
- sound/music
- level designers
- documentation writers

There is a little for everyone even beginners. No prior experience required.

Although, above all, what this project needs the most is feedback.

Team Structure

As lead programmer, I have already written more than 20 000 lines of C++ code for this project. The code is modular and can be easily divided up. Any additional people will be assigned tasks. Team will get to make suggestions and provide direction for future developments.


lgckbuilder AT yahoo DOT ca
contact us

Previous Work

My programming experience goes back more than twenty years. Early work include games for the commodore 64.

Flagship websites

More details can be found inside my portfolio.


LGCK builder

Youtube videos


Additional info

lgck builder manual


Comments, suggestions and constructive feedback are welcomed and encouraged. :D


LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

Our team has found one composer, one 2d animator and one background artist.

We are still looking for more people to fill in positions (see above).

Visit the official forum for additional samples from the upcoming demo game.

The engine was updated also. Here is a descriptions of most recent changes

- GUI: new icons courtesy of Ronnie Edwards
- BUG FIX: player hurt animation not running
- BUG FIX: animation doesn't switch to UP while default animation running (loop)
- BUG FIX: skill level not initialized properly through gui (editor)
- BUG FIX: layer UI not updated correctly in editor
- BUG FIX: class_immediatly_deadly not working
- BUG FIX: player can be hurt after being killed
- BUG FIX: player leaves the viewport
- BUG FIX: fixed the bug reported by model76 (windows only)
- LUA: Inventory Class
- LUA: addToInventory(), removeFromInventory(), hasItem() and resetInventory()
- LUA: getSkill() (alias for SKILL)
- ENGINE: fallSpeed now an object property
- CODE: reorganized some files to speed up compilation time

You can download it here.

LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

In the addition to the composer we also have someone to made sound effect and background music. The transition is like night and day.

We are still looking for more people. Especially those who like to create platform games. Make levels. Draw Sprites. Come up with ideas for monsters, quests and puzzles. If you have a game of your own you would like to build or port to the LGCK platform let us know about it!

If you are into C++ coding, we might have something for you too ! :D

Drop us a line and we'll talk.





Project Homepage


LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

I would like to draw sprites...And write quests. What do you think?
Hey i sent u a pm, please reply if you are interested. By the way your project looks really good.
armandutzu, we would welcome more artwork/sprites. If you can create new boss with special behaviors this will be a great plus too (I'll do the actual coding for the ai). We are also looking for someone who can design new levels for any of the demo games.

R1cochet, I have sent you my reply and a link to a copy of the source code to get you going. Let me know if you get it to compile. We can then talk about what you can contribute in terms of C++ code.

Frank B.

LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

Will your construction kit be able to make 2.5D games? Or 2D graphical games only
It's targeted to making 2D games. However...

If you happened to have a passion for 2.5D and you like to collaborate with us on laying out the fondation for some kind IsoTile layer system, I would be more than happy to implement it as part of LGCK.

LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:


We are looking for a pixel artist to bump up the quality of our tile art and sprite.

LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

sent you a message on your website

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