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XNA Workshop Member Introductions!

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82 comments, last by Michael_B 13 years, 4 months ago
Well I suppose with 250+ people in here its going to be a bit chaotic. So let the chaos commence!

My name's Zack, and you're probably better than me. I like to do 2D games with flixel and I'm an XNA convert from flash. XNA is so much cleaner and faster than flash it makes my head spin. I really don't have a whole lot to showcase for what I've done but I am pretty proud of the few things I have. Perhaps I'll make a thread about showing off everyone's stuff later. But uhh, yeah, post let us all know who you are, how you got here, whatchya been doin' stuff like that.
My name is Justin. I've got about 2 or 3 years programming experience with C#/C++/VB. I've dabbled in a couple of XNA tutorials just to make simples scrollers and what not. I know enough to know that I don't know hardly anything. You know, after this workshop is complete, I'm def going to want to form a team and see what we can come up with; hopefully I can make some good contacts on here with fellow students ;)

Pretty stoked about this. Good luck, everyone.

Hello all I'm Scott. I'm a self taught programmer who has dabbled in game programming for a long time. I am 35 and I have programmed in assembly for 8086 processors, C/C++/C#, Java script, php. I have written games as a kid for my Commador 64 in basic and assembly from the wildly popular magazine of that era "RUN". I have owned several system while growing up... Original Delux Pong with Laser Gun, Atari 2600, Commador Vic 20 and Commador 64, Amiga 500, Nintendo, Super NES, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, IBM 386 SL, My current PC Gaming Rig... used Intelivision, Apple 2E, Apple 2GS, Play Station, PS2, and now finally own an XBOX360. I'm at heart a PC Gamer by far but enjoy consoles as well. Got interested in game programming young to show up my father been doing it ever since. I have a slight problem completing projects as my goals always shift as I learn better ways to implement. I have a half way finished Jupiter Lander knock off in XNA 3.1 using Farseer Physics. I really need the structure a workshop offers to focus my efforts and get me to attempt the 3D as I have been staying primarily 2D. I love programming. I programs apps as well and some websites. I hope some day to cross over in the world of programming as a vocation and not just hobby. I have also written a small space war game in C++ based of the writing of Andre Le'Monte Game Programming Gurus. I have some collage under my belt, I have taken Calc 1 -3, and Diffy-Q but that was a while ago. Taken Physics and Fundiment Digital Design. Some Classes on C++ and OOP. I was working at the airport while I was going to school and 911 hit and poof all my time to go to school disappeared. I got married... have yet to make it back to finish.

I am hoping to get a richer understanding of how XNA works and make my games of a quality that others not just myself will find fun. I would like also to be part of an active comunitty, as up to now I've pretty much Lone Wolfed it. Partly out of fear of ridicule of my code and lack of internet social abilities. I was even anti cell phone until 5 years ago, I had never owned one. Just my personality.

I have a 17 month old daughter, married a wonderful woman but she does not understand how I can love my computer and games so much... ah well. I hope to make friends here and make some good games. I should also say I'm a horrible speller even with spell checkers. blink.gif
Hey Justin, Scott, and Zack (so far), I'm Jan (euro pronunciation, yet I'm not european). I'm a 3rd year Comp Sci student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, taking a year off.

I love games and dabbled with XNA in the past, but nothing to show for it. I made my new year's resolution to make a good, highly polished game by myself and finish it.

I'm proficient at programming in C, C#, Java and some assembly, but most of the knowledge comes from school, and I never seem to find a good way of learning how to make games online, so here I am.

An interesting fact about me is that I have a polyphasic sleep schedule, meaning that I sleep 30 minutes every 3 1/2 hours, so in an entire day, I only sleep for about 3 hours. It was a crazy experiment a while ago and it's become a pretty awesome part of my life.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to all of what this workshop has to teach and meeting and interacting with the people here. I'm of the same mind as Justin to join a team to make a game that will KICK ASS. :P
Hey all,

I'm Michael, and just found out about this today, after losing electricity for 6 days due to the recent floods here in Queensland.

Have tinkered a bit with XNA 3.0, making a simple(no enemies) platformer from scratch, and an X-Com style "world interface", but nothing remotely near complete. Hopefully I'm not too over my head as my C# is fairly rudimentary.

Doing this as I have about 100 game ideas I'd like to work on, and the main thing stopping me beside art resources is my not-quite grasp of coding.

Best of luck everyone. :)
Aaron here, Kansas State University CompSci major. I've tried many XNA books but I need something more structured to help me keep focused and I think this is that "key" that will help me get the start I need!

I can't wait to start and I'm glad so many people have joined up!

I've already introduced myself quite a few times in these forums since 2001 but I guess there are new members now so...

My name is Damián. I've been working as a computer programmer for more than 12 years (I think) and I always wanted to make a cool game but I still haven't got the chance.

I'm self taught and during this years I've been able to learn quite a few languages like Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Python, Visual Basic, C#, SQL, Java and APIs like ATL, DirectX, Direct3D, OpenGL, STL, BOOST, XLib, WinApi, .Net Framework and the most important one: ETC.

I've worked for many companies like IBM, Visa, the International Airport, Telecom and I hated them all. I've had my own restaurant and I managed it quite well until I got tired of it.

I never liked to take unreasonable shit from anyone and I think I never will.

I'm 32 years old and the only thing I can say that I've really learned so far is that one never stops getting surprised at what life has to offer (be it good or bad). That one gotta love oneself for what one is. That a clean [font="arial, sans-serif"]conscience helps you having a good sleep and a nice awakening. And that beating the shit out of bullies feels nice each and every time.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]
[font="arial, sans-serif"]I smoke. I like cold beer and good whiskies. I don't do drugs (I didn't like the ones I tried). I enjoy the company of women and some times I even enjoy what they have to say.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]
[font="arial, sans-serif"]That's pretty much it.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]
[font="arial, sans-serif"]DISCLAIMER: This thread had a different title when I posted in it. lol.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Hello Guys! I'm Cadrick

I'm still an undergraduate student but going to graduate on June :)

I came from Malaysia and we do have people here who are doing game development too but we are still young so we do not have many professional here. That's why I hope throughout this workshop I could learn more to improve myself.

This is my portfolio website:
Cad-de-Dev Development Blog

Feel free to visit and drop some comments :)

Lastly, XNA rocks!
Seeking for Perfection
Hi all!

I'm Edu, from Spain. I'm studying computer engineering (4th year of 5), and I've only made games with flash, and tried xna few times, but having other tecnologies to learn at the college i allways left it.
I think with this structure of workshop i'll learn XNA the right way, so thanks to the workshop creator and the teacher for all!
Hi everybody!

I'm Emre, I'm studying Computer Science and this is my first year. I have some Java and basic programming knowledge. I love games and tried to create some games myself before, but nothing that successful. I also have interest in 3d graphics and worked a bit with programs like 3ds max and maya. I hope I'll learn a lot from this workshop and will create my own games in the end also I'm glad lots of people will participate and I hope I will meet lots of people here.

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