
Looking for Volunteers for a 2-D MORPG

Started by May 30, 2011 07:54 AM
24 comments, last by Helladen 12 years, 9 months ago
Greetings, [/font][font=Georgia]I am a 19 year old that just graduated high school, currently in college majoring in computer science. [/font][font=Georgia] I would like to first introduce my small indie business. At the moment we only do 2-D games, but eventually we may move into 3D. At the moment our primary project is Insidia (2-D MORPG). A lot of other future projects are being planned, but our goals at the moment are to build our community and produce a game capable of being commercial. We will accept almost anyone (those who aren't completely clueless about game development). We'll let you learn if your willing to put the effort into getting better.

What is our business name:
Arteix, Inc.

Are any of our products commercial:
We are aiming for a cash shop or pay for additional features type MORPG for our current project.

Are you paying people to work for you:
No, but when our business becomes commercial all revenue we make will be divided among the volunteers (the ones that actually deserve it). More information about this can be answered later.

How long has this business been going:
3 years.

Is this business professional:
No, we're a few people working together voluntarily on various game projects.[/font]

[font=Georgia]Previous work:[/font]
[font=Georgia]We've made one 2-D MORPG and a 2-D RPG made with RPG Maker XP (many other games which never were finished, solely for practicing purposes).[/font]

Work environment:
[font=Georgia]We want to make it a fun experience for our team, if you need a break you can take one as long as you stay committed to our team. We're very serious about our work, we want to get better, we want to learn from our mistakes, but we want it to be fun too.[/font]

[font=Georgia]What are our goals in our current project:
Create a special type of 2-D MORPG, with rich features, and dynamic content.[/font]

[font=Georgia]Application:[/font][font=Georgia][spoiler][/font][font=Georgia]You can either post it here, send me it in a personal message, or email me your application.[/font]

Red means full, orange means one slot remaining, and green means open with more than one slot.
[color=#ff0000]- Designer
[color=#ff0000]- [/font][font=Georgia][color=#ff0000]Composer[/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#ff0000]- [/font][font=Georgia][color=#ff0000]Developer[/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#ff0000]- [/font][font=Georgia][color=#ff0000]Story Writer/Dialogue[/font]
[font=Georgia]- [/font][font=Georgia][color=#00bf00]Graphic Artist[/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#ff8c00]- [/font][font=Georgia][color=#ff8c00]PHP/HTML/XML/CSS programmer[/font]

[font=Georgia]Other information:[/font]
[font=Georgia]Do not use fraud information or you will be denied automatically, and any further requests you make to us will be denied too.[/font]

[font=Georgia]Application template:
1. Full name.
2. How you are going to communicate with the team.
3. Experience at your skill.
4. Brief summary of why you are wanting to join.
5. Three examples of your work. You must supply three examples for each job you are applying for.[/font][font=Georgia][/spoiler][/font]
If your unsure because you haven't seen the game's progress, you may chat with me on messenger. I will let you view the progress in TeamViewer or Join Me, but I must get your application before we can discuss this.[/font]

[font=Georgia]Check out our engine's Facebook page for information about our progress:
Click here[/font]

[font=Georgia]Check out our game's Facebook page:[/font]
[font=Georgia]Click here[/font]

[font=Georgia]A recent video of the engine:[/font]
Click here

[font=Georgia]The engine is using C# with XNA graphics API and Lidgren networking library.[/font]


The forums are temporary, we were just testing a look out in SMF. We plan on integrating it with our company forums.


You can send me a personal message, [font=Georgia]email me at [email=""][/email],[/font] [font=Georgia]messenger me via [/font][font=Georgia][email=""]h[/email][/font][email=""][font=Georgia][/font][/email], [font=Georgia]Skype me via Helladen, or[/font] [font=Georgia]Google Talk via [/font][font=Georgia]hellator[/font][font=Georgia]@gmail[/font].com[font=Georgia].[/font]


Helladen [/font]
Just my input but this really doesn't belong here as RPG Maker VX is a drag and down game maker, which you need a certain file to run, so not everyone can play it. Also you'd have to keep sending the entire file back and forth for updates from team members.

I suggest moving into Blender, Unity3d, Panda3d, Orge3d, or Hero cloud
The Rpg Maker VX project was intended for practice, would of been nice to get a few people to help but wasn't expecting it. My primary focus is the MORPG and the next project we're focusing on in a few years.

But thanks for the advise. :)
I know Rpg Maker VX sucks, the data using SVN wouldn't be too bad although it would be hard to make sure things don't get overwritten.
Lovely how I get -3 rep for posting that.

Just my input but this really doesn't belong here as RPG Maker VX is a drag and down game maker, which you need a certain file to run, so not everyone can play it. Also you'd have to keep sending the entire file back and forth for updates from team members.

I suggest moving into Blender, Unity3d, Panda3d, Orge3d, or Hero cloud

His project is about building experience as a team and finishing a project. It's refreshing to see such a well written post from someone this young who has a grip on reality about the challenges and scope of making a game.

I think any project, regardless of game engine should be welcomed here.

I wish you the best of luck Helladen.

Edit: Just realized it was an MMO project, but I still stick by what I said. Seems like he's in it for the experience, which is what stood out to me.
Just to be clear: you aren't looking for staff, as you aren't paying your employees (volunteers, really). I'm also a bit curious, what decides if an employee 'deserves' a share of the profit?
"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

I've made many games on my own, it's hard to find good people who will stick with you on a project. One being a small scale 2D MORPG that did fairly well for not programming the engine. I've been told my motivation is astounding part of my experience as a game developer because I work months on my own with little to no help.

I believe if your trying to make a game for money, you should just quit it. If you don't love making games, it won't turn out that great most of the time. Sort of like if you do a job you hate, you won't give it your all. Doesn't really matter how good your game is, or how powerful the tools you use. Just the passion of doing it is what really matters.

Also about the whole RPG Maker being a compiled .EXE. You can ruby script in ways for it to apply patches. It has been done before, it has a very powerful scripting language. Even though RPG Maker is a premade engine, it is better than anything I could program on my own. It's something to get you started, you can't try to go all out. You raise the bar a little each time you successfully create a game.

Just to be clear: you aren't looking for staff, as you aren't paying your employees (volunteers, really). I'm also a bit curious, what decides if an employee 'deserves' a share of the profit?

Volunteer staff. Based off of how much work you've done. :P

Lovely how I get -3 rep for posting that.
You got -3 rep because at least 3 people apparently disagreed with what you were saying -- don't complain about people using the system as intended. wink.gif It's now -4 after I voted down that particular post, because I rather strongly disagree with what you were saying:

It's fine if you personally prefer to use different tools, but there's absolutely no reason others shouldn't use whatever tools they like to create a game. We get many posts each week from users who have never -- and sadly quite possibly will never -- manage to actually release a game, so personally I'm against telling someone who has demonstrated the ability to actually complete a game that you think their project "doesn't belong here" simply because of the tool they chose to work with.

To be clear, I have no objection to your suggestions of other possible tools, but I do object to your very dismissive attitude towards a perfectly valid choice of development tool that has allowed the OP of this topic to achieve real results.

Also to be clear, I am not in this post acting in my capacity as forum moderator, but simply responding as another user.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Updated main post and removed C++ and Ruby programmer positions. Also canceled the Rpg Maker VX project to focus more on the online projects. The Visual Basic 6 position has been opened, we are looking for an experienced programmer who is familiar with COM or able to learn it.

Also the C# project has a new website.

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