
Inspirational project; on hold, seeking artist.

Started by July 22, 2011 05:44 AM
23 comments, last by pangahas 12 years, 8 months ago


Project name:
Viv Online


Brief description:
~An indie MMO/ORPG with a game engine from scratch
Development Started June 2ed 2010 (1.3 yrs ago)

What I plan to create is an online role playing game with a player base of 120ish set in a medieval/fantasy world. Players must stay in character at all times; forcing this really adds to the realism of the world. A small player base frees you up todo really fantastic things that other MMOs just can't; in addition I feel it adds meaning to player interaction. There will be an evil/corrupt portion of the world (the dark lands) and a surface. Each will have 2 races to pick from (to begin with). The races I haven't decided on just yet. The game will feature (and kinda already does) a unique combat system; real-time as opposed to turn based. The combat system's inner workings will be hidden from the player (no numbers or rolls shown). It will develop as the player progresses in the game. I plan to invest a lot of time into AI. All the creatures you encounter may learn using neural networks; I want them to be as lively as possible. The mood of the game will depend on your location but overall I want it to reak of mystery and seriousness. I intend to make it for audiences that are more mature 16ish+. Grinding is very unappealing to me. I'm shooting for something that is engaging and immersive with depth, that is as different as possible from other traditional WoWish games.
The rendering engine has been the focus of the project until now.


Target aim:
Free. With options to pay for additional features, perhaps an "item shop" etc.


I'm an indie developer with limited resources so; I am offering a percentage of potential revenue. I would be happy to discuss this.


includes but is not limited to the following:
Target system
arrow.png Windows 7 & Windows Vista SP2
more on operating systems can be found here, here and here.
arrow.png DirectX11 (Rendering)
arrow.png IrrKlang (3D music/sound)
arrow.png PhysX (physics library)
arrow.png C++
arrow.png Lua (scripting)
3D Software
arrow.png Blender [size=1]you don't have to use blender
2D Software
arrow.png Adobe Photoshop
arrow.png Paint.NET


Below is a list of exciting/interesting items I will defiantly be adding to the game; for most of them I already have the basics done or a good base started.
includes but is not limited to the following:
arrow.png Real-time combat system (see the latest video)
arrow.png Fully editable world by players (see the tool-set in some older progress videos)
arrow.png Crafting
arrow.png Player owned shops/houses
arrow.png An inventory that isn't super lame (see latest video)
arrow.png Dynamic objects (most of the videos)
arrow.png A superb starting tutorial
arrow.png 'DMing' capabilities


Talent needed:
I am looking for one person (for the time being); an artist that is as talented or more talented than myself.
3D Environment/Creature Modeler
arrow.png Design, model, texture everything visual in the game.


Team structure:
Joe Van Sickle (yes just me!): I'm talented in all areas of game creation except music/sound. I would prefer to focus just on programming, and do art-work when I have the urge. I can stay out of that though upon your request. I am extremely determined to see this through. I'm 21 and attending a university.






Previous Work by Team:
A 3D model viewing service (for your browser) that can be seen here:
Models I've done:
ptail84.png ptail0.png
Models others have done:
[color=#0000ee]ptail3.png ptail79.png


Additional Info:
Hopefully it's fair to say that art is the only thing standing in the way of this project being completed. If you're sick of joining projects with a bunch of scrubnubs; I may offer you a new experience.[font=Arial] I[size=2]deally we would split all of the work/profit 50/50. Upon partnering up you would have equal say in the direction the project takes.[/font]



Comments/questions/feedback are welcome and encouraged.
Just wanted to say that this looks absolutely amazing and definitely has potential.

It's even more amazing that you've done all of this by yourself when most posters here wanting to make MMOs don't even have anything created for their game.

I gotta wonder about the 120 player limit though... Do you ever have plans to make it massive? Is this like 120 people per server or for the entire game?

Anyway, just wanted to praise your work a bit. I'd offer to help out but I have a job and my own games to keep me plenty busy. Good luck with this project and I hope you get a lot of good people applying for positions. :)
[size="3"]Thrones Online - Tactical Turnbased RPG
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With a 120 player limit are you planning on releasing or selling the server portion of the game so people can set up their own mini-MMOs?

As far as contributions I'm generally pretty good at map designing, world building, etc. Not a great writer but I would definitely take a stab at it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "idea guys" (do you mean people that spout off ideas but never actually contribute to anything?)


If you need help in any of those areas, I may be able to help some.

I'm not sure what you mean by "idea guys"

The definition of "idea person" differs with each person you ask, but basically it comes down that it's a generic term for people who have wild game ideas but no knowledge or skills that help in actual development (and thus look for a team to develop it for them).
They tend to think that the idea for the game is more important / more work than the actual implementation and usually that their ideas are special and / or better than that of other people.
Since most forum regulars here are developers and artists, most "i have an idea, you will build it, we'll split the rewards 50/50" -style posts will get the thread poster some negative response posts at best, if any.
This thread is obviously not created by an "idea person", since Joe posted some pretty impressive screenshots, doubly so since he created all content himself. Looks cool Joe, nice work! If i wasn't so busy i might have joined up, but i hope you find somebody else who can help create your MMO.
[font="Arial"]@Konidias: Thanks laugh.gif. I have no plans to make it 'massive'; [color="#1c2837"]120 is a starting number, I may bump that up as I go however. It would be [color="#1C2837"]120 people per server, but I don't intend to have that many servers. "[color="#1C2837"]A small player base frees you up todo really fantastic things that MMOs just can't; in addition I feel it adds meaning to player interaction."[color="#1C2837"] With larger player bases ([/font][font="sans-serif"]2,000-2,500 users per server) many people you run into will be complete strangers that you will never see again. It doesn't matter how you act around them. As I'v touched on with smaller player bases you can send a lot more data and do a lot more calculations for each client.[/font]

[font="Arial"]@greentiger: I have no intention to release or sell the server program. 'Joop' described what I meant[/font][font="Arial"] by 'idea guys' pretty well. Send me an email if you're still interested in partnering up (or want more information), perhaps we can set up a time to have you look around/try things out.
[font="Arial"]@Joop Bananenbuiger: Thanks for clearing that up for me, and for the kind words.[/font]
Thanks laugh.gif. I have no plans to make it 'massive'; 120 is a starting number, I may bump that up as I go however. It would be 120 people per server, but I don't intend to have that many servers. "A small player base frees you up todo really fantastic things that MMOs just can't; in addition I feel it adds meaning to player interaction." With larger player bases (2,000-2,500 users per server) many people you run into will be complete strangers that you will never see again. It doesn't matter how you act around them. As I'v touched on with smaller player bases you can send a lot more data and do a lot more calculations for each client.[/quote]
Hi JoeVanSickle,

Firstly, Viv Online looks very impressive so far. Very inspirational!

Secondly, I cosign with the philosophy above. In fact, I'm aiming for smaller numbers (32 for my Cooperative FPSRPG Survival Horror). However, to reduce bandwidth and maintenance costs, one could consider running multiple (20+) virtually independent ORPG (120 Player) simulation layers on a single server supporting 2400+ users. The Data Transfer Amount-to-Concurrent User Ratio could be variably adjusted as needed, although I would personally prefer fixed values.

Thirdly, I didn't see a Network lib in your Technology List. Do you have something in mind?
@Techlord: Thanks. All the online code is from scratch; I'm using winsock.
Your progress thus far looks awesome, and I'd like to offer my services as both a composer and a writer. Samples of my music can be heard at . I don't currently have writing samples available online, but I'd be happy to provide you with some prose work or a pilot script via email or other communication channels of convenience :)

Your project seems like what I've been looking for tonally, both in my writing and music. Hope to hear from you soon.
Good luck with the project.
Post updated.

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