
[WANTED] Team for developing games.

Started by October 04, 2011 11:11 PM
7 comments, last by Nick Heiskell 12 years, 8 months ago
[heading]WARNING[/heading]I have to preface this page by saying that I once built a game in C++ for 6 years and had all the code stolen by a fellow programmer who said they were going to convert the game to Linux, so please forgive me if I don't wish to hand all the code to you so you can 'have a look to see if you wish to join'. I will not be handing over the complete design document either, but I will make available any information that you need to make a decision.
Am I still bitter about that code being stolen? You betcha!

[heading]A bit about me[/heading]
My name is James Clifton and I have been developing games for a while (started 15 years, took an enormous break when my code was stolen). I have designed games and then programed them in C++, ASP & PHP.
My life is at the stage where I have a young family and I have to work full time to support them; even though I have a degree in I.T, I operate heavy machines just to pay the bills. What this means is that I simply don't have the time to finish my projects. For my latest project I needed to learn Javascript & facebook API and that is when I realised that I can't do everything. On average I have about 10-15 hours a week free to do my own things (after the two year old goes to bed) and it takes about 50-100 hours for me to learn a new programming language so I have to concede defeat :(
I designed and started the game Lobag and got to a stage where I realised that it was bigger than I though, so I started my cricket game and got over half way when I realised how much more work needed to be done - now I wish to finish my Captain koala (C.K) Puzzle game first and then work back through them, finally completing the lot.
Time line for finishing these games are C.K 12/2011 (It's a small project with about a 1,000 lines of code), Cricket 06/2012 (It's a medium size project with about a 5,000 lines of code) and Lobag 12/2012 (It's a large project with about a 10,000 lines of code).

[heading]Team name:[/heading]
cliftonbazaar is the name I use for myself, this is not an official company name (yet). Name could change though :)

[heading]Project name:[/heading]
'Captain Koala', 'Test cricket manager' and 'Lobag'.

[heading]Brief description:[/heading]
I have 3 projects that are currently under construction; all design documents have been written (I always complete the design document before I start programming, I found it reduces the amount of time coding by 70%). All projects are up to the stage where they need Javascript - so I have to make a choice, learn Javascript or get others to help.
And after learning Javascript I would have to learn facebook API which would take another 100 hours to learn!

Captain Koala (C.K) is a comic book that I write and publish (not draw) and I have now decided to make a logic puzzle game. Currently 15% complete (Design document done).
Test cricket manager - Sports Management game. Currently 60% complete.
Lobag - Online PBBG game in D&D style; this game has animated GIF's as Graphics so that should give you some idea of the standard - the game will rely on good interactive storytelling to differentiate it from other games. Currently 40% complete.
The reason that I have not completed these games is that the finishing touches need to be applied with Javascript (and then onto Facebook) and I simply don't have the time to learn two new programming languages.

[heading]Target aim:[/heading]
Online games for free with extra features for paying members.
These games are aimed at the casual gaming market who don't have the latest and greatest machines with high speed internet, even our graphics will be simple GIF's to try and keep bandwidth down. My games are not going to compete against WoW, Ultima Online or Everquest.

I have a family to support so there is very little money involved. Shares will be handed out based on work done, hours worked and experience of person; if the business brings in enough revenue then I will make it a private company and shares will be worth something :)
Exact amounts will be discussed at a later date (but before work is started so we all know where we stand).
The only people who can ask for money is a Javascript programmer or a Facebook API developer; and even then it will be payable after deliverables.

All games to work on any web browser less than 5 years old - our target audience is those that don't upgrade straight away.
Programming languages used are PHP, AJAX, Javascript, Facebook API, CSS and Mysql.

[heading]Talent needed:[/heading]
Please note that this is a list of people that are needed, if you can do more than one thing on this list then feel free to apply for them all. Having said that please don't bite off more than you can chew :)
Even if your skills are not required straight away (for example a moderator) please feel free to apply, just remember that you won't be needed for a while.

[subheading]URGENTLY REQUIRED[/subheading](These are the only jobs that can ask for some sort of financial compensation before the game goes live.)
Javascript programmer.
Facebook API developer.
2D graphic artist.

(These jobs cannot ask for any sort of payment)

[subheading]REQUIRED IN SHORT TERM[/subheading]
PHP programmer.
AJAX programmer.
Marketing person - Need to be able to work to a budget and quantify results.
Server manager - Need to be able to remotely control a linux box and set it up to be a test server.
Web designer - this person needs to be competent with CSS.

[subheading]REQUIRED IN MEDIUM TERM[/subheading]
3D artist.
Gif animator.
Music/Sound composer.
Quest/Level/World Designer.

[subheading]REQUIRED IN LONG TERM[/subheading]
Forum/Facebook moderator - Must be able to run a forum board and also help with the administration of Facebook pages.

[subheading]OTHERS THAT ARE WELCOME TO APPLY[/subheading]
Localisation specialist.
Firefox toolbar designer.

[heading]Current team structure:[/heading]
Myself (James Clifton) - Lead designer and CEO. I will be looking after the database (Mysql) unless a database Wizard comes along (they know who they are!).
My brother will be in charge of testing.

[heading]Websites:[/heading] is to be set up as a logic puzzle game on facebook. is the cricket game. is the PBBG game.

Please note that I am in Australia so don't expect answers within 5 minutes; I sleep at night and work during the day but I check my e-mails before I go to work (5am - 6am) and after my bub goes to bed (8pm - 9pm). I am UTC +9.30. Still, please allow up to 24 hours for a reply.

[heading]Previous Work by Team:[/heading]
My current work can be seen at and

[heading]What is expected of team members:[/heading]
I have a family and can only spare 10-15 hours a week maximum, I know that others are in the same boat while others can only spare less time each week - but I would expect about 5 hours a week from each member (more is fine); whether this is 5 hours on Sunday afternoon or one hour each workday before you go to sleep doesn't matter to me. I personally do 90% of my programming after my two year old goes to sleep, if they won't go down then I get nothing done.
I also expect an NDA (Non disclosure agreement) to be signed. In return for this I will put it in writing how shares will be earnt and what rights you have.

[heading]Additional Info:[/heading]
These 3 projects are not all that I have, I am always designing new games and while most of them will never see the light of day (I have the maturity to realise when one of my own game designs won't work) I have more projects to go on with when these are completed if we are successful.
If I cannot find team members to work with I will be advertising the Javascript coding as a job; if you wish to advertise your services then that is fine but please put your hourly rate in an email.
I have been working on the cricket game for two years and Lobag for three, I am 100% committed to getting these games released onto the market on their dates and then producing revenue from them.

Any constructive feedback or legitimate questions are more than welcome. for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
If there are any javascript programmers out there please feel free to send me your hourly rate; if I don't get anyone to join my team then I will be paying for javascript code to be done. for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game

If there are any javascript programmers out there please feel free to send me your hourly rate; if I don't get anyone to join my team then I will be paying for javascript code to be done.

I can write JavaScript blink.gif ... send me a msg and we can chat.
~ Travis
Msg sent for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
Currently have three other developers but none for programming. At this point in time I need a javascript programmer to join our team.

If you wish to help in other areas please don't hesitate to contact me. for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
First developers newsletter has been sent out to all those involved. Still looking for programmers and artists.

Anyone else interested in helping please contact me. for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
3rd Newsletter is going out this Sunday, still looking for helpers. for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
I have about 6 members of the team but no programmers - I really need someone to help me with javascript, php & AJAX.

At the moment the trickiest programming is being sent to India for a price but I hopeful someone who wants to work in a team can do ti instead, I am willing to pay if you are not interested in shares.

James for a humour comic for my fantasy RPG PBBG for my sports management game
I would love to join as the facebook API developer, as well as the composer.

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