
[MMO] - Ether Fields Dev Diary included. PLAYABLE! Needs 3d & 2d Artists

Started by November 03, 2011 11:52 PM
18 comments, last by jog 12 years, 9 months ago
Team name: Ether Fields

Project name: Ether Fields

Brief description: Ether Fields is first polish MMOrpg worthy to be compared with the best global games.The world is based on similarity of medieval Europe with dope of magic, creatures and fantastic places.We are making this game only by about 10 people. The operation lasts a few years already, but it gained momentum in previous year. At present game is in alpha status, but even now it is attracting players with it's beautuliful graphics, riveting music and great creation. GAME IS ALREADY PLAYABLE, WE ARE GOING TO SET UP 24/7 SERVER THIS MONTH

Target aim: Micro Payments (going payment per month today would be most stupid thing we could do)

Compensation: At this moment, no one of us is gaining any money, but we are writing down hours which every one of us have worked and this will be pay'd on as fast as we get money. Most propably before game release, by our sponsors. Of course every new person who join us will have to write down how many hours he/she worked and of course prove them by sending us this job.

Technology: We are using engine which is developed by us. Our main programmer and team leader Sagaceil made it by himself.

Talent needed:
"Edge" conditions :

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must show us your CV, or any other document of your previous work
  • You must have at least a year of experience in your specialization
  • You need to have teamwork skills
  • You need to know nomenclature (at least in your specialization)

    Applicant to any appointment must have the traits below:

    • Availability
    • Broadness
    • Creativity
    • Self-reliance

      After sending application for a job, and considering it by our team, applicant will also meet with:

      • An interview through skype.
      • Short test checking skills.

        Non-performance of any criteria will negatively affect the application.

        The list of present vacancies is located below.

        3D Animator

        • Model rigging
        • Work across all types of models
        • Fluent in using one of the programs below:

          • Cinema 4D
          • Blender
          • 3dsmax
          • Ability to map 3d objects
          • Knoledge of structure of md5 files

            contact me

            3D Artist

            • Specialision

              • Environmental components
              • Architecture
              • Creatures

                • Fluent in using one of the programs below:

                  • Cinema 4D
                  • Blender
                  • 3dsmax
                  • Ability to create models based on concepts
                  • Proper texturing ability (proper usage of game sources)
                  • Acquaintance of obj and mtl files.
                  • Ability of creating models with LOD.
                  • Ability of proper tri reduction.
                  • Ability of modeling low poly objects.
                  • Ability of mapping models.
                  • Creating specular map


                    2D Artist

                    • Concepts
                    • Gamearts
                    • Projecting components of interface

                      • Knowledge about history, culture and architetic stylistics of medieval
                      • Making your creation in high quality
                      • Ability to create referentions


                        Team structure: We have entire team structure, including programmer, 3d and 2d graphics, animators, and sound designer (me). We just need more creative people to push game faster into release (Which we hope will be at 2012)


               (its getting translated atm)
                        Youtube channel:


                        Previous Work by Team:

                        Our portfolios are at polish leanguage so I would like to not spam there with them. I will just leave my portfolio:


                        Additional Info:Youtube channel:

                        Feedback: ANY
Music and Sound desing for every game, which knows how sound important is:

We are not only looking for very skilled artists, at first we look for someone who want to improve his experience fast and really want to learn. By working hard of course ;)
Music and Sound desing for every game, which knows how sound important is:
The video seems nice. It is just sad that everything is muddy looking. You could have shortened the video down to 15 seconds because after that is just feels repetitive. Same old brown wood same old rocks, over and over just arranged in different ways. Maybe you are going for a realistic look but even then there would be some color splashed around to break up all the bleh.

Another thing is the character animation needs work. Feels like the guy is skating on air or something. Does not feel like gravity is really pulling him down as he steps. Overall it looks like you have made progress but not on any of the vital bits... such as online play or actual combat/gui interaction. That is the hard part, which is what people want to see in videos. There are countless "look at this character jog around this overworld" game videos out there. Yours is especially unappealing since the world is so brown/gray. There is a reason why everyone is copying World of Warcraft's style. It's because things are a lot more colorful and vivid and help break up the scenery.

Get some lighting in there... get some colored flags draped over buildings. Get some colorful fruit in a market stand in town or something. Anything to break up brown gray brown gray brown gray.
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Yeah, we know that we need better animations and more models. That's why we are looking for artists.
This movie i'v posted is a bit old already. Tommorow I hope, I will put here first developer diary, where I will talk a bit about out team and let you see how battle looks.

Thanks for feedback!
Music and Sound desing for every game, which knows how sound important is:
Just wanted to say kudos for getting this far in your MMO development! It's not easy for an indie MMO to see the light of day for many reasons. I've been working on mine for almost 2 years now. It's no easy thing. Good luck to
Super! Mam nadzieje ze bedzie wielki sukces, i ze bedzie mozliwosc zeby miec husarskie skrzydla :)
Visit to check out my space sim project - Void Destroyer

Our first developers diary.
Music and Sound desing for every game, which knows how sound important is:
It's looking good. I'm interested to see what else you guys will implement in the future. I think the dialogue system has great potential!

Also, I enoyed the soundtrack at your website...especially the first song, "Swit nad Arbaden"!
:blink: Wow, just amazing.

It looks really polished and professional. If you have told me that this video shows a MMORPG currently in development by a larger studio I would believe you immediatly. To attract a broader audience try to work on a more consistent english version of your website, although when entering your website try to show a language selection screen first or try to automatically determine the language by the browser settings.

Nevertheless, *tripple-thumbs-up*
Thanks for feedback and emails. We already found some skilled guys thants to this forum, but we are looking for more! Feel free to contact!

Also, if you have you'r project and you need music we can colaborate by exchange. I could make music/sounds for you than you will make models/animations for us. - my music portfolio
Music and Sound desing for every game, which knows how sound important is:

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