
[MMO] Sagramore | 2D Browser-based | Open Alpha

Started by November 15, 2011 02:39 PM
7 comments, last by James0130 12 years, 9 months ago
Team name: Team Sagramore

Project name: Sagramore

Brief description:

Sagramore is a 2D browser-based MMORPG based on browser interaction.

Browsers have seen a leap in performance these last few years. This opened up the way for us to try a new concept. This is also driven by the growing market for smart phones, tablets, and net-books. We see a growing demand in games to play on these devices. We simply wish to create an experience, an online story that can be accessed from nearly anywhere, and looked to HTML to bring this experience to life. We hope to bring a story to the world that is partially created by us and partially by its own community. Sagramore has undergone many revisions and changes since it's beginning production back in 2007, however since the company was registered in 2009 things became more structured and the Sagramore you see today was born.

Target aim:



Because Sagramore is currently in alpha stage, and our target is freeware, we cannot offer payment at this time. There are plans to open a cash shop, however as you could imagine that profit will be based on many factors. The short answer is for now all team members are working for free, payment will be discussed once the project begins generating profit.


Sagramore is a browser-based MMORPG that requires no plug-ins to player (though flash is recommended). We have achieved this with our very own Lumera Engine, developed in-house. Lumera Engine is a Javascript topview HTML based front end and C++ back end client-server setup which can be implemented for a number interactive uses. Our web based dev-tools are very flexible and allow many aspects of the game to be edited from within the game. See screenshots below.

Talent needed:

Though we already have a structured team, in order to make Sagramore the MMORPG we aim for it to be we need to expand in all areas of the team to generate faster work output. Below is a list of positions we need to expand on.

2D Artist:

The Artists will create the game's equipment, hairstyles, items, monsters, and almost all of the art assets required. Animating (in sheets) is also a very important part of this job. You will be required to animate almost every art asset created. Experience is required.

Environment Artist:

This position is listed separately because it requires much more attention to detail. Our environment art is very high quality and our environment artists must maintain this standard. Environment Artists must have experience with digital painting, and will be required to create tile-sets to be used in our web based map editor (inspired by RPG Maker).

Content Developer/Scripter:

Content Developers will digest the writers' quests, NPC dialogue, lore, etc. and bring it to life with our very own Lumera Script. You will need to learn our script for this job, it isn't hard to learn at all ( I, James, learned it very quickly with no scripting experience. It was a fun experience), almost every object and NPC will need a script. Content developers also handle game balancing, along with other design tasks. No experience required, just be willing to learn and able to dedicate a decent amount of time to development. Scripting experience is recommended but not required.


Not hurting in this area too much, our two programmers are a two-man unstoppable force, pumping out revision after revision. This position requires very experienced programmers, as our engine at the time of this posting consists of over 40,000 lines of complex code. With our lead programmer being a university professor and our general programmer a star pupil, the source code is no place for the faint of heart. Broad understanding of C++ and HTML is a must. Much experience is required for this position.

Story Writer:

Though your main job is writing, the requirements vary for this position. You will be assigned tasks depending on your specialty. This job includes quest writing, dialogue, town and NPC lore and descriptions, Item descriptions, etc. You will need to very detailed in your writing for this position. Experience is required.

Audio Composer

Audio composers will need to generate fantasy music and sound effects. This can range anywhere from town/field music to skill sound effects. Experience is required.

Team structure:

Johan Talboom (Borf) – Lead Programmer
Robin Gould (Maever) - Project Manager/Game Designer

Alex (IPARR) - Story Writer
Jacky (Jackeltje) - Community Manager
James (James) - Content Developer/Community & Wiki Manager (Myself)
Nicky (Nikoobu) - Art Director/Concept Artist
Olof (Bumbo) - Story Writer
Ronnie (Balthazar) – Character Artist
Ryan Leber (Ryan)- Audio Composer
Steven (Raijderan) - General Programmer


Dev Blog (out of date at the time of this posting, will continue to be regularly updated soon)


To apply:


Upon submission please include a portfolio (if applying for artist), references to past project as well as a personal motivation text. Also feel free to join the community and hang around our IRC, I'll be happy to have a friendly chat with you.

To get in touch with me (James) directly you can email me at

Previous Work by Team:

Sagramore is our first and current project, currently in an open alpha stage.

Additional Info:

Contrary to the strict image of business I needed to display above, we're a very fun and caring team and every member of the team is treated as an equal individual. When it comes to the game's design, all suggestions are thoroughly considered in an effort to make this the game of all of our dreams! :P



Please visit my promotional post in the announcements section to view detailed information on the game as well as many other screenshots: Here


Updated with working screenshots :)
i am also trying to make more games on mobile devices! i am wondering if you wanna team with me? pm me if ya interested. thanks.
hello Im interested! pm me plz!
@ Novangaia: Unfortunately we are not looking for a partnership at this point in time.

@Albot: You have been contacted, however please remember that in order to apply you must follow the instructions under the Contacts header in the original post :)

I would apply for the environment artist but as you state experience is required, and that I need to animate my 2D art. This is a problem as animation is a pain to me. I can use simply tools to create 2d art. I can't say it would be amazing but it would be a nice learning experience for me and personally can improve over time. I can also help with content scripting so long as it is Java. :)
[font="Verdana"]I am impressed! You guys have done a good job for yourselves. I would apply, but I am not particularly skilled at creating animated sprites.
Good luck tough! You're gonna need it when you'll officially launch this little gem. ;)[/font]

Observation about my short playing period: the login music is awesome but the in-game (start) is really boring.
The rendering when moving isn't that great (I have Firefox 8). Maybe it's my CPU, I dunno...
The girl character doesn't have any hair styles - not yet included?
Finally, I went between the beds and got stuck, couldn't move anymore.

??? Legen... wait for it... dary Game Art for your every needs! ???

Very impressive, looks like you're making great progress! Just wanted to offer a bit of encouragement and give your topic a free bump! smile.gif

- Jason Astle-Adams

Thank you guys very much, your words are very encouraging!

@TheGuardian - Seems like you may have been attacked by lag, our servers have been acting up alittle recently. You should not get stuck between beds and females do infact have about 9 hairstyles, so I urge you to give the game another try perhaps this time with a different browser? Thank you!

Just wanted to update you guys on our progress and let you know that all listed positions are still open!

Alpha v1.02 Update

  • Added Kamenna Forest
  • Added new monsters
  • Added mini-boss Pilp
  • Added new emoticons
  • Added new quests
  • Added new items, head gears, and rare drops
  • NPC AI, guards that protect the entrance of the town from harm
  • Overall performance has been improved
    • Further balancing
    • Quest Tracker
    • Hovering your mouse over a sign will now turn your cursor into a clicking hand
    • Certain chat tabs now have a close button in the corner
    • Monsters now have inventories and will now hold up to 6 items. Upon death monsters will drop all items in their inventories
    • New NPC AI flags have been added
    • Levels are now displayed next to character names
    • PM chat tabs will now blink upon receiving a new message
    • Players now have drop shadows
    • Dialog directional graphics have been revamped
      Bugs fixed
      • Fixed a bug wherein Joseph didn't display the quest icon
      • Fixed a bug wherein text notifications would show "Debug:" before them
      • Fixed a bug wherein some quests didn't point you in the right direction
      • Fixed a bug wherein the player would still receive quest notifications even after the quest was completed
      • Fixed a bug wherein some effects would cause the player to crash
      • Fixed a bug wherein skills did not have cool-downs
      • Fixed a bug wherein Item hotkeys were not clickable
      • Fixed a bug wherein emoticons would disappear too quickly
      • Fixed a bug wherein music and sounds were disabled by default
      • Help text windows will not display prev and next buttons when there are no windows to navigate to
      • Fixed a bug wherein certain NPC AI would not work correctly
      • Fixed a bug wherein Friend notice and add friend windows were named incorrectly
      • Fixed a bug wherein the chatbox would reset to the top upon changing tabs
      • Notification windows will now close in 10 seconds by default
      • Fixed a bug wherein upon logging in the EXP bar would display incorrect values until EXP is gained
      • Fixed a bug wherein skill slot 8 did not work (skill slot 9 is reserved for special skills)
      • Fixed a bug wherein killing level 0 NPCs would give extreme amounts of EXP
      • Item descriptions will now display level requirements
      • Fixed a bug wherein certain skills did not work correctly or did not show proper animations
      • Fixed a bug wherein when attacking an NPC, the blood would show on the first frame

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