
Blood Tactics - Online Multiplayer FPS

Started by November 24, 2011 12:54 PM
-1 comments, last by Wilhelm van Huyssteen 12 years, 9 months ago

Team name:

DMStudio (not registered yet)

Project name:

Blood Tactics

Brief description:

Multiplayer online FPS. The goal is to create a competitive multiplayer FPS thats not bound to a specific theme. Instead each map can have a theme of its own and contain only certian weapons. In other words one map might have a fantasy theme and contain bow's, spells and swords whereas the next map would contain modern warfare elements etc. Of course the first objective is to create the game with 1 polished map. The game so far is fully playable. It has 4 functioning weapons and it implements all the basics of a FPS game and a little more. The server is hosted on a dedicated server that I pay for myself. You can play the game using this [color="#284b72"]Direct Play Link

Target aim:

Freeware with donation button and ads on website.


The aim is not to make money but If money is generated via the ads and/or donation button you will get your fair share


Java + opengl (via lwjgl) for client.
Java for server

Talent needed:

1 3D artists
1 2D artist to create interface elements.
1 sound engineer to create ingame and interface sound effects.

Team structure:

Wilhelm van Huyssteen (me) - Server+Client Programmer, Game Designer.
Raqual Wadeley - Level design.



email me at [email=""][/email] or
PM me or
reply here

Previous Work by Team:

These are the other games I have worked or am stil working on.

[color="#284b72"]Frost TD - 3D tower defence game.
[color="#284b72"]Spheres of Madness - 2D puzzle game.
[color="#284b72"]Essence - Online Go (boardgame).
[color="#284b72"]Desent - 2D top down shooter.

Additional Info:

We dont need to fill all 3 the above mentioned possitions to continue working. The project is allready in full swing and we will continue working on this even if all sound/, D and 3D assets are placeholders. We are simply at the point where it would be great to start replacing placeholder content with actual content.

we comunicate and exchange assets on a private forum on our website.



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