
(WANTED) for paid/profit sharing game development on iOS and Android

Started by November 25, 2011 08:39 PM
0 comments, last by ThomasR.Nunn 12 years, 9 months ago
Game Name

Game Concept Summary
Will have a 1-player vs computer, and Player vs Player. Slightly taking from fantasy card games like World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, and Magic the Gathering. Turn-based strategy with some very unique execution. Will share individual details that apply to the people who are helping with their component, but want to make sure the "whole picture" is protected via an NDA. Must not be working on a similar platform for the duration of the development, with a 6-month term in mind.

Will do profit-sharing after release of the game, and then switch over to salary once successful for those included in profit-sharing. Artists will be on a contracted basis (as that is how they usually like it), and we will pay per piece up front.

We're using a game engine called Unity 3D. It is a highly flexible game engine with support for C#, Java Script and Boo Script. Development will initially be for mobile tablets and phones. iOS and Android. Later we will move to XBox and Steam formats.

Talent Needed
Above all, just want you guys and gals to have fun and work together to create something amazing! My main skill is connecting big names that can help, and assembling teams that rock! :wink:

Programmers/Scripters - People who can work with combat systems and formulas as seen in fantasy games. IE; Intellect increases magic crit and mana, Stamina increases health, crit ratings, dodge, miss, strength, parry, and how those interact with other players with various stats. Must be able to communicate efficiently with our project management software (37signals Basecamp), and have critical thinking skills.

Game Designers/Writer - Just need some help on creative ideas, and direction. (Got this covered now)

Animator - Need someone who can rig our models and make them have various animations for spell casting, blocking, attacks, idle stance, death, etc.

3D artist - We have a modeler, we just need some particle effects created for spells and abilities.

We have a sound engineer, composer, director. We need a writer/designer to help with concepts and addictiveness, animator, 3d graphic artist, programmer or scripter.

We purchased the domain, but I want to get a proof of concept so I can show my private investors who want to see this thing off the ground.

Thomas Nunn
Skype: tnunndox

You may also contact me through this thread of course.

Additional Info
Will give lots more when I select a few good people, sign NDA's, get legal to protect all of us and the financial return agreements.
Found a game designer/writer. Looking for a programmer, animator, and artist to help with UI.

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