
[Wanted] 2D Artist! for my first game

Started by November 29, 2011 12:44 PM
10 comments, last by VincentNg 12 years, 8 months ago
Team name:


Project name:

No name yet

Brief description:

Currently, I require a 3d Artist who is good at drawing cute 3D animated graphics. The game will be like Rayman in Nintendo Wii. There will be few mini game puzzles/challenges. The higher the levels, the more mini games (Previous lower level challenges) are added to a single game.

Target aim:

Free to play on Andriod/iphone platform. Will be seeking for advertisers and in long term to sell soft toy merchandise.


Willing to offer project base payments/ Co-sharing


Any will do

Talent needed:

Required 3D Artist who are able to draw cute cuddly Animals animations. Looking for at least 2 artist to "split" the workload.
Required Level/puzzle builders who are able to draw/layout a nice challenging puzzles based on the theme.

Team structure:

Novangaia - Team lead (Programmer)




Anyone who are interested to know more or to form a team with me feel free to msg me

Previous Work by Team:



I'd just like to point out that the title makes it sounds like you ARE a 3D artist, not that you want one.

I'd just like to point out that the title makes it sounds like you ARE a 3D artist, not that you want one.

Thanks for pointing that out. It read to me that I'm looking for one. Hehe. I actually doing a simple 2 scene shooting game. 1 scene norm monster mode like norm spawn enemies. The other scene is 4 Bosses that you need to kill. Will be a high score posting simple game. The twist though will be shared in details to people who are interested to join me.
iim now looking for 2d artist and level game builder'i.e. a maze, puzzle"
3D Character modeler here - Let me know if I am late.

thanks for ya interest but i lowered my budget for a 2d games and yeah got someone to do de job. now seeking lvl builder. whomever interested feel free pm me will send u a detail of our game idea. if anyone interested, i dont mind partner and co-share.
currently i have a great game idea which was reviewed by 4 it company that said they love my idea but requesting about 10 to 20k usd. so if theres any experience unity programmer to help us, will pay a fixed + co-sharing. designs will be settled by my side
*Bump* Anyone good in Level builder/puzzle kinda games? The position is still open.

My phase 1 had been complete for andriod.[ attached as per below]. Feel free to give me some review/comments on whether its a nice game idea to carry on. Thanks.

Game control: Press hold to store power amd release to shoot. Press the bow to block arrows.

Game objective: To clear all enemies as fast as possible.

Convert to .apk to play on any andriod phone. Hope you enjoy the game!

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