
Retro Sound Artist Needed

Started by November 30, 2011 02:22 AM
0 comments, last by bhigley 12 years, 9 months ago
Project name:


Brief description:

Phoenix is a 2D shoot-em-up similar in gameplay to Space Invaders. I wanted to create a retro-style game with a bit of a new-age feel that is a lot of fun to play. It has a few different enemies with different stats and movement patterns, so far a couple bosses, and an upgrade system. I based Phoenix off it's namesake by Patrick Davidson. His site here. I plan on adding particle effects, a scrolling background, and completing the game by adding enemies and a score system.

Target aim:

Open Source Game


I can't pay. I will be happy to put you in the credits. If you're building a portfolio you can get some experience and a project to showcase.


I wrote Phoenix in Java using Slick2D. Natives are included for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Talent needed:

Retro sound person. I need somebody that can come up with a loopable background sound with some sound effects for shooting and explosions. It should be basic work and I don't think any previous experience is necessary.

Team structure:

David Mascharka (Me): Programming and Design


Currently none. I want to set up a website when I've finished the game.


If you email me at I will usually respond within a couple of hours. I will certainly respond within a day. You can PM me here but I prefer an email.

Previous Work by Team:

This is the first 'real' game and biggest project I have undertaken.

Additional Info:

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Store Screenshot

Fully playable jar


Any. Keep in mind this is my first real game. I know there are many things I need to work on and add. Those will come in time.

If you have any questions please post here or email me. Thanks for your time,

David Mascharka
I wouldn't mind writing a song or two in an older style. Check out my website,, and send me an email at if you are interested.

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