
Offering Help - Programmer

Started by December 02, 2011 05:35 AM
5 comments, last by Nick Heiskell 12 years, 8 months ago
[font="Times New Roman"][/font]Name: Michael Rogers.
Website:[color="#0000ff"]XNA Game Developer
Expected Compensation: Idon't care about compensation. I want to be involved with making games.
Contact Information:PM me or my site [color="#0000ff"]contact page
Previous Projects:The site has informationabout the samples I have worked on. No code on the site but I can provide that is needed. I have 3 games Ihave developed, 2 solo and 1 in a team.

[font="Times New Roman"][/font]You can see that information about the games I have developed here.

I am an experience commercialapplication developer I have been developing commercial applications since1996, I use VB.NET or VB to develop in commercially. I am looking to get intogame programming and development and have done a course, a simple one in C# andXNA. I have the ability to work in a team, and would offer my services. I wouldconsider myself a beginner in developing games and though I know C# and C++ Iwould still state I am a beginner in those languages though I am slowlylearning. I am working my way through the 3D Buzz stuff on C++ and C# / XNA

I would love to work with ateam to develop a game of any kind, I also have many ideas for games to developbut really I want to get going with a team to develop games and to move ontobigger and better things. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I have access to avast array of development tools due to my day job.

I look forward to hearingfrom anyone about anything for this and if there is anything else you want toknow please let me know.

hi interested to assist me? im currently making a small game

hi interested to assist me? im currently making a small game

Sure, would love to help.

[quote name='Novangaia' timestamp='1322823463' post='4889731']
hi interested to assist me? im currently making a small game

Sure, would love to help.

Add my skype : Killenlinus21
I know C# but I am struggling a bit with XNA 4.0.

If you want to help with our unpaid little 2D board game, you are welcome to join us. I have a distinct vision for the game, but welcome input and creativity. I want it to be a fun thing, not a stress-out thing.

My direct e-mail is:

Here are a few things I'll need help with programming:

-game state
-managing game pieces (position, status, health, etc.)
-in game "chat" ability
-networking (lobby for players to find and join games or start a new game, support for internet gameplay, server, client, etc.)
-total control over cell animation
-level editor at some point
-data structures to support the game (queues, lists, arrays, delegates, events, etc.)
I am currently working on developing a team to work on a demo for a 3D RPG just to see how the gaming community reacts to it. It will be made in XNA so I figure your skills would more than qualify. If your interested please shoot me a PM or email me at
I would love to have you on my team as a C# Programmer, PM me or e-mail me at [email=""][/email]

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