
MindTex Beta

Started by December 14, 2011 11:26 PM
0 comments, last by deus.ex.nova 12 years, 9 months ago
Hey everyone, I just finished getting my latest project, MindTex, ready for open beta (details at the end if you are interested in trying it out). MindTex is essentially another single-input, multiple-output texture generator with the goal of being affordable without compromising on quality.

MindTex takes a diffuse, normal, or height map as an input texture and generates a normal, height, specular, self illumination, and/or ambient occlusion map. A variety of settings are offered for each map type, allowing you to fine-tune the generated results.

MindTex also offers a 3d preview with a variety of options. You can tweak lighting parameters to simulate the lighting conditions your texture will be viewed in, pick the model (standard or custom) that your texture will be applied to, change the UV tiling on said model, and pick which maps will display in the 3d view.

MindTex additionally includes a map export settings control panel which allows you to specify which maps will export when you click "Save All" as well as how the final maps will be generated, on a per-pixel basis, allowing you to quickly and easily do things like store a grayscale map in the alpha channel of an RGB map or bake ambient occlusion into the diffuse texture on export.

For more information or to try out the beta, check out the product page at

Anyways, let me know what you guys think!

Click here to view the iotd
Excellent! From what I saw in the demo video, it seems more featured and has (IMO) a better interface than the popular and much more costly CrazyBump. I may consider using this for my project in the future. biggrin.gif

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