

Started by December 16, 2011 06:07 PM
2 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 12 years, 9 months ago
Voxeliens is our first attempt at making a game based on our PolyVox voxel technology. It uses this library for representing the world, Ogre for rendering, and Qt for most other aspects (windowing, input, sound, etc).

The game is a retro-style arcade shooter, in which you defend your planet from waves of descending enemies. The gameplay is simple and fast paced as you battle your way through different environments using a variety of powerups. If you ever played any classic video games from 1978 then you will feel right at home with the mechanics ;-)

It is expected to be PC only – we will initially be targeting Windows but hope to bring it to Linux and possibly MacOS as well. It will be available for direct purchase through our website, and over time we hope to get it on to some indie game distribution services too. An exact release date has not yet been decided but it will be early 2012.

The main page for our studio/game is

Click here to view the iotd
That looks pretty sweet! I imagine that the world is effectively cubic - how big is the cube (i.e. how many voxels are you pushing?).

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Thanks :-) The cube is fairly small at 128x128x32 voxels. This isn't a technical limitation (I think it could go up by a factor of 10 in each dimenion) but rather gameplay and artistic. If we made it bigger then we would either not see the whole world at once (which would require scrolling and complicate gameplay) or otherwise the voxels would be too small to see individually (affecting the visual style). So the low resolution helps keep things simple.
This is pretty cool. For some reason the landscape reminded me of a voxelized - Super Mario 64 and Chrono Trigger. Well done!

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