
[WANTED] N00B-experienced TEAM

Started by December 17, 2011 01:22 AM
0 comments, last by HAZE-KORE-STUDIOS 12 years, 9 months ago
Team name: well for now ill just use my gaming group name

Project name: [color="#1c2837"]we could all be working on our own projects or some together


[color="#1c2837"]MY IDEAS:

[color="#1c2837"]make a sdk/.tools with simple gui nothing fancy to make games at a faster paste im basing this kinda off game maker


[color="#1c2837"]tools include:

[color="#1c2837"]map maker

[color="#1c2837"]model/animation tools

[color="#1c2837"]object maker

Brief description:[color="#1c2837"] want to start coding agine but this time i need to learn at a faster paste than normal....ask me later
[color="#1c2837"]so fare any one can do just about any thing once we get enough people we can make it more structured with what i hope to make a c[color="#1c2837"]ommittee
Target aim: [color="#1c2837"]to gain experience

Compensation:[color="#1C2837"]gain experience and share ideas

Technology: [color="#1c2837"]c++ so fare and irrlicht
Talent needed:

[color="#1c2837"]not Honorable but at least you got down scripting and function calling and some idea of oop and class based coding

[color="#1c2837"]basically your above a game maker pro level and are ready for something like c++

Team structure: [color="#1c2837"]we are not limited to just programmers but we could use any range of art team sound team im not the head im in the [color="#1c2837"]committee

[color="#1c2837"]the committee - to govern the team

[color="#1c2837"]lead coder- assistant lead coder - support coders

[color="#1c2837"]lead artist - support artist




[color="#1c2837"]sound development:

[color="#1c2837"]voice acting

[color="#1c2837"]sound effects



Website: [color="#1c2837"]if you want to make us one :D that would be nice but i got no use[color="#1c2837"] for one now or time :P

[color="#1c2837"]skype name : cody goodell / or codydbgt
[color="#1c2837"]steam name cody owner of night time gaming
[color="#1c2837"]team speek ip ..... contact me if you want the ip
Id love to help out with any sound work you need done! I have all my own equipment and a load of expedience(I also know a few voice actors). Just get back to me!

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