

Started by December 17, 2011 01:08 PM
-1 comments, last by HeikoSch 12 years, 9 months ago
Project name:


Brief description:

NetMauMau is a server for the popular card game Mau Mau.

It was started as a project to both checking my own C++ skills afters years of almost only Java programming and to fill a bit too much spare time.
But I started it with some aims in mind: it should be as professional as possible and it should get released and maintained as open source software.

Target aim:

GPL, Open Source


As usual for open source software no compensation is payed. But maybe a sponsor will come up one day? Who knows?


Currently it is pure C++ with only a few dependencies to other OSS software. It is optimized and designed for use with GCC.

Talent needed:

For the server part people with some experience in C++ are required. Except a text-only client for testing, there exist no other clients are written yet and I let it open how to deal with clients at all. But at least once a graphical client should appear some day to make this project somehow useful.

Team structure:

All code up to now was done by me. But since I will have less time in near future I want to give it in the hands of somebody who knows how to organise an OSS project.


No hosting yet is organized, so we are free to search for the most suitable OSS project hosting service. At the very beginning I have set up a subversion system,. which is reachable via internet.


If you are honestly interested in take over responsibility, you can contact me at the beginning via this forum.

Previous Work by Team:

NONE (in the game sector)



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