

Started by December 17, 2011 08:14 PM
-1 comments, last by Joy_Inn 12 years, 9 months ago
Team name:

Our Team name is called "JOY-INN"
Right now it consist of musicians, graphicans, designers, marketing people, lawyors and programmers … All of them have a "DEMOSCENE" background.
We all do this game thing not as primary job, its just a try to transform our skills to some commercial success !

Project name:

Several of our projects are quite far ( GFX, CONCEPT, IDEA, MUSIC, TEXTURES (3d MODELS if needed ) …
But we are for sure open for new ideas and also open to rebuild with you your "code snippets" or "raw ideas"

Brief description:

Well all our games should look nice, with fluid gameplay, as we want to focus on mobile gaming, we prefer small casual games,
6 monthes dev. time killer projects we cant efford timewise

Target aim:

Target markets are IOS / WindowsPhone / Android
So more or less mobiles and tablets ..


We can offer our "skills" and to work with openmind geeks, means crazy worktimes , lots of chats and conversations via IM etc.
So also interesting is, that we offer for sure a slice of the benefits depending on the work you do !


We worked for windowsphone with XNA Framework, on DROID we used so far libgldx,
I guess everything new and really working is welcome as well !

Talent needed:

The most wanted are coders, programmers, SDK gurus :)
It does NOT matter where you come from, who you are, it matters your spirit and the will to success as we have.
Our team is international ( DE,UK,FR,HU,CA,USA ) so … yes english is a must ( but if you can read this message you already passed through this criteria.

Our current coders are quite busy ( both in primary job ( mostly too in game or software industry ) and might help you for sure,
but we cant and dont want offer a "teach us to code school" since free time is the thing we all lack in !

Graphicans / Marketing specialists are welcome too !

Team structure:

We have currently 3 Sounders ( from DE and HU )
3 part time coders ( already filled with prods ) ( USA, UK, DE )
2 part time graphicans ( FR )
1 Marketing guy
1 Law men, ensure we dont do illegal things :)

And iam here to first do art direction and project management !
But dont expect ppl with a suit and acting super elegant !


Here is our current website : JOY INN WEBSITE
Our first out game on IOS : IOS POT PANIC <- Dont worry free lite version


write to : or
contact me via skype on : h2o_rebels

Previous Work by Team:

We did before lots of real-time demonstrations for the "DEMOGROUPS TRSI, REBELS, ALCATRAZ, BRAINSTORM etc. … "

Additional Info:

Thanks for reading this article !
If you think you could fit in our team, or want to know more about what we do, what to expect,
do not hesitate to drop me a line !

Thanks for reading ! …


Any feedback is welcome ! please no "one-liners" …
Once in a lifetime ....

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