
Team Needed for 2D project

Started by December 18, 2011 04:52 PM
-1 comments, last by Pattuga 12 years, 9 months ago
Team Name:
Not yet decided

Project Name:
Stick Batlers (temporary name)

Brief Description:
Stick Batlers is a 2D fighting-style game (similar to Naruto Ultimate Ninja & Dragon Ball Tenkachi Games style), in which the characters are Stick-based figures.
I was inspired by the good aspect and fluent movements of Fancy Pants, and I thought it wold be so cool to have a fighting game with the style of Fancy Pants, with great animations and characters and with a good storyline.

Target Aim:
Still deciding if the game is going to be a low-cost game or a free game, with a donation system (some extra features to donators). Also, if the game is successful, I'm planning to do an adaptation to other platforms, like Android an iOS (with price)

No definitive compensations. The profits from donation and/or cost of the game will be distributed by the members of the team based on work.

No game engine decided yet. This will be decided between programmers and game designers I prefer some game designing programs, like MMF2 Developer an Game Maker, although I have programming skills in various languages and I'm an easy learner.

Talent Needed:
  • Programmers: Programmers with experience in programming are needed, that can crate the physics, AI, etc. Work to be shared by about 2 programmers
  • Graphic Designers (Spriters, Mappers, UI Designers): Graphic Designers who van crate sprites for fluent movements, the map objects and the UI (not that hard, a lot like Fancy Pants). Work to be shared by about 2 Designers
  • Game Composer: One person is need to make the general sounds of interactions and battles and the music for the battles.

    Team Structure:
    • Project Leader, Game Designer: Me - I do a little of everything. I have programming and graphic designing experience and I can help the rest of the team with it. I will supervise the team and work on the storyline but, of course, I will take suggestion from the rest of the team.

      Planning on putting one up when the project begins.

      My email:
      Skype will be provided to members of the team

      Previous Works:
      I worked in some small projects with some friends for experience that never came out.

      Additional Info:

      Just a small example of what one of the character could look like

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