
What is your game development process?

Started by December 19, 2011 07:02 AM
-1 comments, last by JVEA01 12 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone,

My current approach to games design is writing a rough and unstructured high concept document to record my ideas and other considerations I need to define about the game. I then skip the design treatment stage and head straight into the mechanics section of the games design document. This is where I spend most of my time, and while working on this section, i begin to flesh out the game elements and AI design. After completing the mechanics, I move onto finishing up the game elements and AI design to suit the mechanics. I then finish up the other sections and begin to design the first level, though I have never really progressed passed the first level lol.
i know that my approach is quite flawed, since I have suffered much grief during the development stage. My current approach has a very hazy vision of how the game features, such as the mechanics, game elements and AI all come together to create the intended gameplay, and as such, the level design is affected. I don't really have an approach for game balancing either.
So I would very much appreciate it if you would let me know how you approach designing games, and to give me any other advice you think is beneficial. Thanks and God bless :)

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