
Looking for UDK developers for FPS project

Started by December 20, 2011 08:57 PM
-1 comments, last by HAZE-KORE-STUDIOS 12 years, 9 months ago
[attachment=6469:FxCam_1324414259835.jpg]Team name:

Haze-Kore Studios (not a licensed studio)

Project name:

No name yet (FPS MORPG)

Brief description:

This game will be a First Person Shooter (with the option to switch to 3rd person) and have aspects of a MMORPG. There will be classes and skill trees, but specifics are being kept secret in order to avoid theft of the idea. Even though this has been done before (like Borderlands) it has never been done quite like this. Me and my Co-Producer have been working on this alone for about a month and It has gotten to the point where we have realized we are going to need at least a small team of skilled people to pull this off in a timely fashion.

Target aim:

The goal is to aim for a freeware/shareware release. The main purpose of this game is to create something amazing to put into your portfolio, and possibly make a convincing pitch idea for major studios. However, if at any time the people working on the project decide the might want to release the game retail, that can be discuses in the future.


Every one that works on this project will be entitled to a percentage of the revenue created by the game (if desired retail) . The exact percentage relies on how many people we accept on the project.


Me and my Co-Producer have already began developing this game using the Unreal Development Kit and we will continue to use this. As for other software anything that is compatible with UDK can be used (3DS Max, Blender, FMOD, etc.).

Talent needed:

-Concept Artists (character/weapons/environment)
-Level Designers
-Anyone with experience using UDK
-It's a plus if you have worked on a 'modern warfare' or 'military' game before

Team structure:

I am Lead Producer (Corey Pless)
and my brother, Chris Pless, is Co-Producer/Writer


The Site is still under development but will be up and running soon. I will post a link to it here when it is.


you can reach us at

Additional Info:
This game will be set in a modern to slightly futuristic style. The weapons that will be used are all concept weapons that will begin to be used in real life very soon.

Everyone that accepts responsibility for a role on the HAZE-KORE Team will be sent all of the information about the game in development. After that you may decide if you want to stay on the team or not (though I'm SURE you will want to stay).



I have included some concept art for characters attached to this topic!

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