
[OFFERED] Experienced C++/DirectX programmer seeks long term project

Started by December 22, 2011 01:55 PM
3 comments, last by Dragonfly3 12 years, 8 months ago
Name: Simon Pickles
Expected Compensation: Happy to work for a stake in project and eventual recompense.
Contact Information: sipickles at hotmail dot com
Previous Projects: I currently work as a programmer and engineer for a company producing interactive science exhibitions for museums and visitor centres around the world. In this role I have developed many PC games and interfaces.

Primary skillset: C++/DirectX, Boost, Python, Lua, Flash. Highly creative and dedicated.
Other skills: AI, RakNet networking, Bullet physics, Subversion, MySQL, Windows and Ubuntu Linux.

Below are some examples of my work.

Until recently, I ran my own MMO game dev project, mainly a solo effort, but RL work pressures meant I couldn't dedicate enough time to it. So now I'd like to join an existing team as a programmer. I developed a huge code base for my own project which I'd be happy to draw on in a new project. The process also gave me much insight into the process.

I am only looking for serious projects, not beginners, not solo programmers! I'd like to get involved with a long term project, like another 3D MMO.

I'd prefer to work on several discrete areas of the game and engine. I can contribute around 20 hours a week, although this amount will vary from time to time due to RL work deadlines and occasional family commitments.



I would like to have a conversation with you about my project if you have the time.
please send me a PM.
Hey me and another programmer are starting a new team. We are making an Indie Game for Xbox Live right now and we would love to talk to you. My email is
-Kyle Layman
Hello Simon,

I sent you a PM - please review and let me know if you are interested.

Thank you!
PM sent

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