
[Offering] Novice Programmer

Started by December 25, 2011 09:39 AM
-1 comments, last by O?uzCeylan 12 years, 8 months ago
Here are few things that you might need to know.

Cons :
- I am not a qualified programmer.
- I don't have any previously done work that would worth being listed here.

Pros :
- Tho I'm above beginner, I guess it would be accurate to call myself as a novice programmer.
- I have a goal and plans for the future, therefore I won't disappear in any time, unless any surprise out of my control occurs. So, I'm dedicated into what I'm in.
- I have least 5 hours daily to give for programming, tho it might raise to 12 hours, totally being depended on my interrest which is also influenced by you.
- Ability to communicate in english under certain level, which would be sufficient.

Interrests are as follows but aren't limited to:
Game programming using the technologies;
- core language : c++
- graphics : irrlicht , parrallax , voxel lighting, shader programming

Note :
There are more things to write into "Pros" but no need to be potty mouth, it's better to keep it short.

Contacts :
If you want a faster response, use the "almost 7/24 available contacts"

irc :
haotian @ Quakenet - almost 7/24
haotian @ Freenode /

im (msn) : - almost 7/24

skype :

others :
reply under the thread or pm.


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