
[Offered] Game Designer/Writer

Started by December 29, 2011 02:01 PM
-1 comments, last by UberAllen17 12 years, 8 months ago
Name: Allen Lambert


Expected Compensation: I'm looking for experience and credit towards design. Payments would only excel my motivation and passion for game design/development.

Contact Information: skype and twitter: afliii

Previous Projects: I wouldn't say previous works, rather current works. I currently run my own game development team. I'm simply looking to get my project ideas out there faster. We are a small team and we're all in college. My guys have a limited amount of time to offer so I've decided to see if anyone else could use my own services in addition. I can take a big load. I've been taking three college courses, running the team, working full time with my father running a business and coming home to my wife and son. I can handle it.

My hopes are to assist a team with writing, either a design document, general gameplay/story, or character backstories, anything like that. I'm fairly new to game development but I'm determined that I'm going to make a sizable career out of this. I love it!

Contact me if you want more info. I'm sure I left something good out. I'm not going to give it all away ;D

(forgot to add)
I'm also at a beginner level when it comes to using Unity 3D. I'm not proud of the games I've made in it, but I'm learning. I can program player movement and detect when the player hits an enemy, but I've yet to learn how to add major features. I'm decent with GUIs as well. I'm learning more every day.

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