
Writer - VoidTH

Started by December 30, 2011 08:48 AM
-1 comments, last by VoidTH 12 years, 8 months ago
My name is Taylor Hood. I'm a writer.

As this is only really an introduction, I shan't delve in to the many aspects of why I feel I am capable of such a position in your team. I implore you to read the text below, wherein I detail my experience of games artistry and other related interests.

Prior to being a writer, I was involved in most aspects of game development. I was a 3D Artist for five years. I was heavily involved with communities like Polycount, and I recieved praise for my work (at a young age) on a podcast known as "Games Industry Mentor". I have also study studied film and animation. For many years I have had the pleasure of teaching myself programs such as 3DSMAX, Maya and Zbrush. Eventually, after years of switching from one field to another, I realised that I wanted to be a writer.

My aim is to provide a proffesional, presentable narrative in which the read can become enthralled.

As I have a lot of free time, I am able to work to any schedule that my employers see fit.
I am cheifly looking to write for a game development team, whether that be working to forge the narrative of the story, or the mechnical stages of said story.

I have no particular prefrence regarding what genre I write in.

Thank you.

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