
[WANTED] Story writer for Unity based browser MMORPG - Paid

Started by January 03, 2012 03:07 AM
0 comments, last by Sharsnik 12 years, 8 months ago
Project information:

Team name:
Fractal Entertainment

Project name:

Brief description:
SideQuest is a next generation browser MORPG.
The original concept came out of a variety of flash games (Mostly from, the most heavy influence being Monster Slayers by Nerdook.
You don't play as an entity of the game world, but instead manage a party of adventures.
The basic game play is fully automatic, allowing for very simple and relaxing play, but allowing the opportunity to think up various strategies.

The game uses Unity ( This allows us to use heavier, and prettier graphics than are available to a flash game.
SideQuest is fully 2D, but the variety of shaders, particle effects and layers would be deadly to a flash engine.

See the attached design document [attachment=6606:SideQuest.doc].
(Not that this document is a little out of date, so not all information is accurate)

Also a video showing an arena battle:
(Note that the design is in the very early stages and subject to change)

Target aim:
SideQuest will be a stand free to play model.

The majority of the profit will come from micro-transactions (we see this as a necessary evil).

Our original release will be on Kongregate only. The alpha and beta stages are going to be a little bit touch and go as we balance our server loads.
Releasing first on Kongregate will allow us to work out our bugs, and also take advantage of Kongregate's relatively high ARPU.

Once the Kongregate version stabilizes (around 2 or 3 months) we'll move to creating an independent web-site, and use Facebook as an advertising source.
Currently, there are no plans to release an actual "Facebook version" as the game doesn't really lend itself to the typical Facebook integration methods.

A contract will be signed.
Writer will be paid a upon completion of works. (See [attachment=6605:Scope of Work.doc])

When you apply you will be asked to bid for the contract based on the provided information (ask any questions you need to as well).
While the bid won't be the only factor in deciding who we hire, it will be a large part of it.

As a rough ballpark I'd expect to pay between 5 and 10k for this contract.

SideQuest is expected to have a 6month development cycle, at which point we will release the first 3 areas of the game world.
The next area will be released 1 or 2 months after that, with the final area being released sometime before September.

SideQuest has a solid amount of capital. If you are interested in the actual figures please contact me privately.

The game uses Unity, making it releasable on Browser and Smart Phone.

Team structure:
Currently the team consists of 1 programmer and 2 designers, all with professional experience.
We had a writer for a short while, but due to personal reasons he is no longer with us.

By the end of January we plan on adding more members as needed. What we are expecting will be required is:
1 main programmer
1 scripter (as needed)
1 writer
3 designers

I (the programmer) am American, but the designers are Japanese, and as such don't speak much English.

Talent needed:
We are currently looking for a writer to develop the world, story line, characters and write quest dialogue.
Our previous writer developed most of the world, story line and characters. So most of your work will end up being writing dialogue.

You will be given some leeway to modify the current design.

You will be expected not only to write dialogue, but also design documents(though, as a small team we are not looking for anything too amazingly detailed).

How to apply:
DEADLINE: January 11th
First, send an e-mail to answering the following questions:
1) What is your favorite (online) game, and why?
2) How much experience have you had in the online gaming world? Both MMORPGs and browser games.
3) What is your professional experience? (If not in the game industry, then with writing/design work)
4) What are your short term goals?
5) What are your long term goals?
6) What kind of work do you WANT to do?
7) What do you feel you will bring to this project?

Second, I want you to prepare a short writing sample. The format will be the cut-scenes used in SideQuest.
Watch the tutorial below and write a short cut-scene using the characters listed in [attachment=6603:Main Characters.rtf].

If you wish to change anything you are encourage to do so, but make sure to state WHY you made that change.

We are looking for a humorous, lighthearted dialogue with a variety of humor types. Everything from dry wit, to internet memes, to slap stick is up for grabs.
You are encouraged to add in the actions of the characters.

Khy: My mana is over 9000!
Hunter: ...
Fighter: <facepalm>

We are looking for fun, engaging CONVERSATIONS. The most important thing is to do whatever you have to keep the user from pressing that shiny 'Skip' button.

None currently.

Skype: Sharsnik

Previous Work by Team:
Added the deadline to the "How to apply" section.

Hope to hear from you before then!!

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