
Myosis [Action-Horror] - Looking for Modeler / Animator

Started by January 05, 2012 12:21 AM
-1 comments, last by Infl1ct1on 12 years, 8 months ago
Project name:

Brief description:
Myosis is a first-person Action-Horror game built in UDK by a team of three. We have been developing it for a few months now.

The game is set on an abandoned mining centre floating in the middle of the ocean. An attempt to harvest energy from the Oceans depths gone wrong. The protagonist, after a fateful storm, is plunged into a word of fear and uncertainty. Monsters of his own mind roam the corridors of the city that floats above the Ocean. Monsters that offer illusions of the future.

It’s up to the player to determine what is fact and fiction, using Light as a barrier to protect their mind as they move through horrific city, and later underwater mines levels in a daring attempt to reach the last remaining human aboard the project.

Along the way the protagonist will be plunged into his own memories and dreams; it’s up to the player to discern what’s real, and what is fantasy.

Target aim:
Retail. Distribution through Steam and other similar platforms.

You will be paid in royalties. Will be discussed privately with interested candidates.

We are developing the game on the UDK.

Talent needed:

  • Character Modeler - We have about two monsters to be modeled, as well as one human.
  • Animator - Will need to animate the two monsters, one human, and first person hand rig.

    Team structure:

    Me - Level Design, Programming, 3D Modeling
    Alex - Concept Art, Level Design
    Dan - Writer, Designer

    Website: (Old website. Doesn't have any information on it)


    Previous Work by Team:
    Our team has been developing with each other for the past 3-4 years.

    Additional Info:
    Relevant Concept Art:



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I am considering in joining another game development team, but I do not think that I would be able to work with you for a longer period than 6 months (which would be just about enough time to finish your character/monstre models if you need them to be professionally textured and rigged).
However, your post is very scarce in information, so would you be so kind and give us more information? Seeing as you worked together for four years now, you must all have some kind of portfolio/ previous work you could show us, right?
Also, did you start working on the actual game already (this is an unbiased question as I myself used the entire first four month of my last game just in the planning stage xD ). Can you show us WIPs?
And more importantly , what is the scale of your game? Is it gonna be a 10$ game which you plan to have done in a year or so , or is it another one of those AAA game titles?

Well, those are about the basic items on my list of questions :D I hope such a critiquing first comment won't be taken the wrong way, I've just been in too many failing projects to take any chances anymore :S
Of course I don't take it the wrong way. Firstly I'll go over some of our previous work. About 4 years ago (When I admittedly did not know much about game development) we were working on a multiplayer FPS called "Grand Heist". Of course our lack of knowledge was the downfall of that project, a few years later we worked on another game called "Fissure". We were able to bring this game up to it's playable stages although it was a very basic puzzle/platformer. Back then we had a rather large team, and we had issues getting things done because the team members were constantly busy in real life, and they were generally unmotivated. I fixed this issue with the current game by taking over most of the roles that we were struggling with in the past games. I took over the 3D art work (Minus characters obviously), and I'm splitting the level design workload with our other lever designer, Alex.

I will post some screenshots from Fissure below.




To answer your questions about the current game, we began working on it a few months ago, spending much time planning and documenting levels as well as developing the story. Around 40% of the game has been blocked out using BSP, so we have about another 2-4 weeks worth of work left there. I have made a few models, but nothing major. And we also have some scripts working in the game. Unfortunately I don't think it would do this recruitment post any good to include screenshots of the BSP because in its current stages most people would most likely consider it bland.

We have an estimated 4-5 hours of gametime through out the whole entire game. 90% of the time takes place inside the city and mining areas, but we do have plans for 30-60 minutes worth of levels which occur entirely inside the player's head, opening doors for some pretty crazy stuff. We'll probably sell the game for $10, and we expect it to be done in time for Halloween.

Any other questions please let me know.

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