
Nickotopia(needs new name!) - Looking for story writers/pixel artists

Started by January 11, 2012 12:36 AM
13 comments, last by MorganCrow 12 years, 7 months ago
If a name change then why not do something like "Guarulim Online" (random). A mascot could be some wierd sub-human/animal breed. More people are interested when they see a female character, so a female character should be a mascot atleast. Don't know if that would work, but it's just an idea. Either way, keep it up! We all have a passion.

If a name change then why not do something like "Guarulim Online" (random). A mascot could be some wierd sub-human/animal breed. More people are interested when they see a female character, so a female character should be a mascot atleast. Don't know if that would work, but it's just an idea. Either way, keep it up! We all have a passion.

You make some good points, especially about the female mascot. I'll think about it, still I feel like most female game mascots are oversexualized. And yeah a new name is actually harder than I thought!
Ironbane MMO.
[size=1]It's so cool I don't even need to give you a link for it.
Sent you an email about the story writing position.
True they are oversexualize, but it's what draws in the attention. Next you would have to have an art style or graphics style that will then raise an eyebrow since games nowadays require advance graphics. BUT for a game your doing, atleast a high graphics similar to PS2 games that kick the last bit of juice out of the console, which can work. Even so, to keep the interest of the possible player or buyer you will need to have a gameplay style that is fun to the player going in and starting the game, and to finish with wow it just gotten even better as you progress through the game.

What sells me to any game is:
1) Gameplay
2) Story
3) Graphics
Just letting you know I sent you a PM. Please, read and respond. Thank you.

BTW, as far as the female mascot goes, I have no problem with it, but please let's not put a have naked female character that has nothing to do with the game in the ads like Travian. If there are in fact half naked female characters in the game, I suppose it's alright. Although, that would be very difficult to depict in 2D. Let's not have ads with half naked females on the ads for the sake of attention grabbing. We can grab their attention by advertising the games concept and art. Otherwise, it will be stupid false advertising and propaganda.

Anyways, we need an icon that has something to do with the game.

And the game should remain 2D. There are thousands of 3D MMOs out there. They are more complicated to make, and are usually crappy. However, it's not easy to find a 2D MMO that is worth playing. Therefore, if we make this game have smooth gameplay, awesome graphics, etc., people will surely play it.

I'd rather play a great 2D game than a mediocre 3D one.

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