
How to recruit programmers?

Started by November 30, 2012 03:13 AM
15 comments, last by lithos 11 years, 8 months ago
Just to get this out of the way: as a programmer, unless someone who can't program has a good portfolio, I won't join their project.

Everyone has a game idea they want to make. Unless it was a game idea I was passionate about (I'd helped conceive the game's mechanics), I won't work for you without pay. Right now, I like to do smaller contract jobs on the side (Imagine writing a program to do something specific for someone, and getting payed when I finish it). It'd probably be better, if you're going to pay people, to pay them by program / mechanic, than by hour. Since your indie, paying someone by hour won't work at all. There isn't an office, and there's no way to keep track of how much they worked.

For your portfolio: Use GameMaker. If you're an artist, employers will far rather see a smaller game made with a tool that represents your art, rather than some hard-coded game. They're looking for an artist, not a programmer. I can guarantee you that if I was hiring an artist, and one came to me with a portfolio of good sketches / 3D Models, and the other came to me with 1-3 Games made in GameMaker with good art in them, I'll pick the latter.

For an artist, I'd look for:

  • An understanding of sprite-sheet creation
  • An understanding of basic Art Logic / Drawing
  • Good 3D "visualizing" skills
  • A game they'd made using their art.

    That last one is very important. It's not that hard to make a simple game that shows off their art. Sure, it may be small and not really a game, however you need to show me that you understand what I have to do, even a little bit. I want my artist to know that if I say something isn't possible, I'm not trying to get away without doing work. I'll only work on projects I'm passionate about, I would never even try to join a game that I didn't care for.

I'm a game programmer and computer science ninja !

Here's my 2D RPG-Ish Platformer Programmed in Python + Pygame, with a Custom Level Editor and Rendering System!

Here's my Custom IDE / Debugger Programmed in Pure Python and Designed from the Ground Up for Programming Education!

Want to ask about Python, Flask, wxPython, Pygame, C++, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, C++, Vimscript, SFML 1.6 / 2.0, or anything else? Recruiting for a game development team and need a passionate programmer? Just want to talk about programming? Email me here:

or Personal-Message me on here !

[quote name='pfloyd333']
yeah, maybe your right. but everyone who wants to be a concept artist will have a great portfolio, having a game could give me the edge over other people out of college. Being able to say that i have experience working with a team of people would be impressive, especially if the game is good. this is advice i have gotten from game developers too... i thought it was a great idea.

It is a good idea, if it is done well.

And please, try to make well formed forum posts... It doesn't exactly fill me with optimism that you can complete a full game when even that is done half-assed.

Just to get this out of the way: as a programmer, unless someone who can't program has a good portfolio, I won't join their project.

Everyone has a game idea they want to make. Unless it was a game idea I was passionate about (I'd helped conceive the game's mechanics), I won't work for you without pay. Right now, I like to do smaller contract jobs on the side (Imagine writing a program to do something specific for someone, and getting payed when I finish it). It'd probably be better, if you're going to pay people, to pay them by program / mechanic, than by hour. Since your indie, paying someone by hour won't work at all. There isn't an office, and there's no way to keep track of how much they worked.

For your portfolio: Use GameMaker. If you're an artist, employers will far rather see a smaller game made with a tool that represents your art, rather than some hard-coded game. They're looking for an artist, not a programmer. I can guarantee you that if I was hiring an artist, and one came to me with a portfolio of good sketches / 3D Models, and the other came to me with 1-3 Games made in GameMaker with good art in them, I'll pick the latter.

For an artist, I'd look for:

  • An understanding of sprite-sheet creation
  • An understanding of basic Art Logic / Drawing
  • Good 3D "visualizing" skills
  • A game they'd made using their art.

    That last one is very important. It's not that hard to make a simple game that shows off their art. Sure, it may be small and not really a game, however you need to show me that you understand what I have to do, even a little bit. I want my artist to know that if I say something isn't possible, I'm not trying to get away without doing work. I'll only work on projects I'm passionate about, I would never even try to join a game that I didn't care for.

Thanks for the advice! It makes sense that having a game more focused on my art, without any complicated coding, would probably be more worth my time in the long run. I'll be sure to look into GameMaker. Would you recommend it over Flash? I already have a very basic knowledge of it, and it seemed to complement my 2d art pretty well. Also, I have no idea what you mean by sprite sheet creation. Care to fill me in on that?
I have no idea what you mean by sprite sheet creation. Care to fill me in on that?

Just Google it. Once you look at a sprite sheet, you'll get it.

-- Tom Sloper --

You could always use some bait, like a sign telling "Free Visual Studio Ultimate licences!" and then when they get close you throw a fishing net over them.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator


That's a good lead to my reply:

Leadership combined with demonstrating good game design concept, clear reasonable plan (like a business model only for games), and bring at least one major contribution with yourself. As a successful 2D/3D artist, IT consultant, and recent game designer, I won't touch anybody's game without all the above.

The only exception to my previous advice is for hobby efforts which I feel should be fun above all else. If a hobbyist game developer can convince someone that it will be a blast of fun, then you have him or her likely.


Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer


Lots of programmers with somewhat finished games that need art.

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