
I've got a Feeling

Started by January 15, 2013 03:51 PM
12 comments, last by TMurchu 11 years, 7 months ago

Um, the people who have already commented....?

I don't really have a source for that except for the 4 or 5 people that have commented above my previous comment saying something along the lines of that..

Not saying that it's definite..

King, if you draw up a detailed GDD with a list of assets needed and a list of features needed everything might start falling into place. Your programmer and artist friend might be willing to join you and even follow you if you can present them a clear, clear, clear vision of your project. They'll want to know exactly what they're signing up for.

Personally, I disagree that most small teams don't have set roles. Dividing labor up properly is the way to go, imo.

As for you- there's always room for a person with a plan. Scheduling, marketing, level design, character concepts (even bad art can be very helpful to your artist), recruitment, budgeting, enemy design, story-boarding, etc.

But again- don't start anything until you have your GDD. Shoot for 5-8 pages at first. I suggest Googling GDD examples and basing yours off whichever one best suits your style/abilities.

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Personally, I disagree that most small teams don't have set roles. Dividing labor up properly is the way to go, imo.

Have set roles, divide up the labor, certainly. But each team member needs to be flexible. Sometimes it's useful, enjoyable, or necessary for someone to put on a different hat for a while to get something done.

-- Tom Sloper --

Oh, definitely. Everyone should be talking about everything, all the time.

Sorry I misunderstood smile.png

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