
A couple of noobs who wanna direct the making of a game?

Started by February 22, 2013 12:49 AM
14 comments, last by tashaklikedi 11 years, 6 months ago

As much as I don't think self-advertising this way is elegant, I think an article I wrote some time ago might help you rethink your idea:

I like your article. Its an interesting paradox though. A game without a good idea is worthless and a good idea by itself is worthless.


Thank you :) Well, there's not much of a paradox actually - comming up with an idea takes considerably less time and manpower than implementing it :) If we do the math, there's no wonder why so many good ideas go to waste.


Well, we wouldn't be trying to create any sort of buzz about our game until we have our design document written and a little bit of concept art. So we're not just saying we have an "idea" and want people to start chipping in or whatever. Actually at this time we have absolutely no idea what sort of game we'd like to make.

Right now we're just checking to see what making games is all about to see what the possibilities are.

several years ago, I had a great game idea. I had a friend who knew how to program in C++, so we started doing it. I did the art, and the music, even if I'm not that great at drawing. But my friend gave up after making the character walk. So a year ago, I decided I would not give up on my project, and started to learn C++. Right now I can get what I want to work in a 2d environment, as long as it is not over complicated. Now a guy with experience would say that my code sucks, and it does, but I dont care that much as long as my game works.

If you really want to develop games, you can. There are a lot of great tutorials on the net, and tools to create games today are awesome. Once you get into it, its great fun, and I can say that its addicting.

Thanks for the post, tashaklikedi! : )

You're welcome ^^

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