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Moving from Freesware/Linux to Windows

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7 comments, last by selim 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi all, since years I am developing on Linux Systems and I am quite familiar with the development environment there. Up to now I didnt thought about making money with my hobby, but I probably want to change this. For various reasons I decided to continue development on Windows, but now I have a problem: I need to set up a whole development environment under windows and it must be cheap or for free. I dont want to spend 1000$ for C++-Builder e.g.. I was already scanning the www and these forums since about 2 weeks, but I couldnt get a real clue. My problem is, that I want to sell my work later and all free products are under GPL, which will not allow me to sell my work, or do they? Please give me advise how to continue. I need in particular: - a C++ compiler (a whole IDE would be fine too) - I want to use direct X, so the compiler must be albe to handle this too - an image/sprite drawing program - an installer (make install wont be accepted under windows) - possibly a sound creation/manipulation program If I forgot something else, please notify me. Thanks a lot in advance! Cheers, Selim -------------- Addition: Even if this task turn out to be impossible, I'd be very interessted in hearing, which development tools you are using. A hint a prices is very welcome too. Thanks a lot! [edited by - selim on April 30, 2002 5:49:37 PM]
The GPL says nothing about not selling the product the code is for. Read it again if you want to check for yourself. You can always do what I now do: develop in Linux for Windows. I make all of my code portable, so that this is feasable. I use SDL, OpenGL, ZLib, Ogg Vorbis, and some homemade wrappers. There are portable GUI kits, not including GTK+ (which is sort of portable) or Qt (which is portable but restrictive) either. You can use most of the Unix-ish tools in Windows too, look into Cygwin, Dev C++, et cetera.

Yeah, like Null and Void said, use SDL and/or OpenGL. I''m working on a game right now where my friend is working completely in Linux. He gives me his code and I compile it in VC++ and same the other way around. SDL takes care of absolutely ALL OS specific code for you. So you could develop in Linux and then compile the game in Windows later with no changes pretty much (except some C++ stuff due to the way the compilers differ slightly).
- C++ compiler/IDE: Borland
- Drawing Program: Gimp / Paint Shop Pro
- Installer: Can''t help you there. But installers are evil anyway.
- Sound Editor: Goldwave
The best way to move from Linux to Windows is using MinGW. This stands for Minimalist GCC for Windows and allows you to build native Win32 code using gcc, a compiler that I think you''re accustomed to. MinGW is free ;-)

You are able to use DirectX, even version 8.0 I think. Just do a search with google.

For graphics, GIMP is the king, since it is ported for Windows, too.

About sound creation, you''re on your own since I don''t know nothing about it.

For installing, you could use Windows''s own installing library. Search on LCC page about windows SDK help files.

Good luck.
Although I don''t like bloated installers, I''ve recently found a very cool one : NullSoft''s NSIS. It''s pretty easy to use and really tiny, yet very powerful. Moreover, it''s free and open source. Go for it!
You can also check eBay. I see Visual Studio 6 Professional, (not the student version, but the full version) go all the time for under $200US. Paint Shop Pro is an excellent graphics package and MilkShape3D is a very cheap, but good 3D modeller.

Here is a Visual Studio on eBay for $127.50, with 15 hours left in the auction.

Here is another Visual Studio on eBay for $100.99, with 16 hours left in the auction.

These times as of 07:38am EDT.

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Hehehe, this is just a repeat of my post about the LGPL, but here goes.

Compiler - Borland''s Free Command Line Tools - a set of nifty GNU-like development tools that work quite nicely (unlike MinGW, which I had a lot of trouble with). I think SuperIDE has some stuff about compiling w/ BCC too.

If you are into strait C programming, WinLCC has a pretty good interface.

DirectX - Yes, Borland''s compiler will compile DirectX

Drawing Program - The GIMP is free, but it''s usefulness does have it''s limitations. PSP is very good too, but not free.

Also, POV-RAY is a free rendering program with very nice results. The modeling might be a little ackward (it''s like writing code), but you can use a program like MilkShape 3D to model, and then export to POV-RAY script.

Installer - there is a free installer called Spoon installer that I found while looking over Download.com. I haven''t tested it out, but I will probably use it in my next release.

Sound creation - a Microphone ;P...For music I use Cakewalk Pro Auidio.
Hello everybody,

thanks a lot for all the valueable information! I''ve decided to start with these programs:

- Dev-C++ looks fine so far. It has also a downloadable gaming and directX-lib
- I am used to GIMP and if I am allowed to use the stuff in my programs, I''ll go with GIMP, but I''lll most probably change it via an ebayed product. Unfortuneatly NickW is right with pointing out GIMP''s limitations
- installers: I''ll check them as soon as I have soemthing that can be installed.
- sound creation: both programs have acceptable prices. I''ll decide with which to go, when I have at least the foundation for my games ready.

BTW: thanks a lot for the ebay hint! For any reason I just didnt think of it myself. Duh me,.. Its a great possibility to upgrade my environment step by step

Again thanks a lot!

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