
Published September 13, 2006
Well, I recently got settled in to this place and I'm already not doing much programming. I recently got addicted to Diablo II after I bought the expansion with the pack. I've been playing network Unreal 2k4, Diablo II, and it looks like Counter-Strike soon. To be real honest, I think I've lost interest in writing Hollow Halls. I'm just more interested in war RTS games then I am side-scrollers. I'm also sick of writing classes for wrapping other classes together to make one task more easy. Creating a sprite from a resource can now be done in 1 + x lines. One for loading the XML file and the other for creating the draw entity. It makes me cringe that in this one class I use XMLLoader, QuadManager, and PhysicsManager to wrap up creating sprite objects. Blah.

I got a new laptop for school. I didn't really care what was it in, just as long as it's light and works. I have a lot of time between classes so this is why I bought it, so I can sit in the library and work on my programs. I told myself that no games are going to be installed, and the only ones that are loaded are those that I'm working on.

I feel a D2 urge coming on. Gotta run.
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Quote:Creating a sprite from a resource can now be done in 1 + x lines. One for loading the XML file and the other for creating the draw entity. It makes me cringe that in this one class I use XMLLoader, QuadManager, and PhysicsManager to wrap up creating sprite objects. Blah.

Yeah, my solution to that problem was to STOP OVER-ENGINEERING EVERYTHING OMFG.

I haven't coded in a couple days though so I shouldn't be talking. lol.
September 13, 2006 09:51 PM
Well, the way I have it setup QuadManager is designed to load and store sets of animated sprites with vectors. So I'm able to return raw vertex data for doing sprite manipulation. The physics class handles used objects weither they'd be static or dynamic, tested or non-tested. It also does all of the physics and collision calculations. The XML loader class takes a xml resource file and loads the appropreate resources, which then have to be requested by the loader. The only problem with this model is that the loader in itself needs to be shared with other parts of the program.

Hmmm, I think I just thought of another way to approach this problem. Thanks Mushu!

September 14, 2006 12:07 PM
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