
I Need Help on MultiPlayer!!!!!

Started by January 31, 2002 12:05 PM
10 comments, last by bladesnet 22 years, 6 months ago
I need help on networking ==> a strategy game''s multiplayer. How do I begin. I have some ideas but i''m loosing hope If somebody could help me. I would need some guidence. I''m writing the code in Visual Basic. Thanks, Blade
Never the why, Allways the how
search though this forum u should find something
cant help u with vb no idea sorry m8

if u cant find anything and noone can help ull have to get a book

also what kinda help do u need?
be more specific

Edited by - Do00d on January 31, 2002 10:57:55 PM
Well i can''t find any books on this!! That''s why i wrote here!
I would needto transmit what one of the players modified to the game host. Slow down both of the sesions so they could work together or something like that!
Never the why, Allways the how
My 2 cents:

Your starting on too big of a goal. What language are you using? First of all I would start would something comparable to the Hello,World program which is a simple client/server chat program I believe. If you tell us what language your using maybe we can help you some more.
A very interesting article:
---Sorry for my english :)
Well i wrote what languag i''m using: Visual Basic.
And i allready made that "hello world program"
Never the why, Allways the how
i have to agree with Brandisco, you need to start off with small networking projects, get your head round the concepts of making sure all clients are synchronised, how game/chat data is handled and processed. Its not something you can jump in the deep end with, and most methods are so project specific you can''t actually write that much on how to implement multi clients, apart from go over the same theory, which you need to understand to implement in your project. For example, the Half-Life client guestimation which tries to cover up lag by working out the directions of players, missiles, grenades and all that, would be no good in a real time strategy game or units would be jumping around allover the place when the guestimation code tries to sort out the game. As for your strategy game you want to make,
start out making a mock-up lobby, have players being able to join, change their name, and add some mock-up settings which the game host can change, and the changes be reflected on all the players lobby screens. I''m not saying that this mock-up be used in your project, but it''ll at least get you started with synchronisation. Hope this helps, and remember you can''t run before you can walk, if you want to make a huge monster of a project straight off, it might seem amazing, and plausable, but chances are you''ll get so fustrated with the project and start on another one, probably equally as large and monsterous, and there you have it, the path of programmers that learn from their mistakes

what he said
do a search on the forums and ull find most ofthe answers that u need to get something like that up and running
top right corner is the search button
anything u can find
tell us and well try and help
with VB you can use either the Winsock Control, or the Winsock API... either way you should be able to work out a simple client-server text chat type thing (there are a bunch of tutorials on the internet, i recommend checking out google). then, once you get the basics of using winsock you can work on all the other complicated stuff you mentioned

--- krez (

Edited by - krez on February 2, 2002 10:47:15 PM
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
Well i still got some questions unanswered, but thanks anyway.
Most of the links you''ve guided me to are not working.
And i still accept any help that anybody could give me.
Specially in DirectX and Network programing for Visual Basic.
Thanks again for giving any atention to my post.
Never the why, Allways the how

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