
I Need Help on MultiPlayer!!!!!

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10 comments, last by bladesnet 22 years, 6 months ago
I wrote a DirectPlay8 tutorial for

also check the tutorials on for Inline ASM for VB, VB Fibre, and other nice code samples in C++, PHP, ASP, etc.<br/>Play Yet Another Laser Game!<br/>

Ik wilde net die link posten! (Dit is RapidFire/Hans van Lucky )

Uhh sorry for the Dutch above

Some guy said you could only use Winsock Control and Winsock API... this is not true there''s also DirectPlay heheh for great tutorials go to the site AJoling gave... I was about to give the same one

''Qui habet aures audiendi audiat'' - Me

A link to the website of my 3D engine will follow as soon as I have something concrete to show... Which will be soon.

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