Theora Video Plugin, refactored

posted in Tachyon Wars
Published October 28, 2009
I was ill last week so there is nothing to tell something new about the game (the only thing - I've fixed the issue with the strobing lazer effect, it was just a bug ). So, I'm laying out something that I made a couple of months ago but never mentioned it before.

This is a refactored Theora Video Plugin for Ogre (available for download), which is initially was created and currently supported by Kreso (from Ogre forums) but I completely refactored the library and fixed a number of threading issues with the library. Yet the theora and ogg header parsing code was done well, the stability and rendering smoothness left much to be desired. This job took for me a week of work.

So, to conclude the job, to test high resolution video performance I've quickly made the
">temporary video.
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Login screen looks good! Kinda reminiscent of the Freelancer menu screen, not sure if you were going for that. D:
October 28, 2009 06:07 AM
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